

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Attention grab
  • > whatever happened to bobby ray

  • it was a night like this

    forty million years ago
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • kill living beings
    i forget, what's the explanation for being able to stand on something tall and not see the other side of the planet
  • Someone tried explaining that to him on twitter the other day and he just made fun of the guy for having never owned a private jet (which BoB has, mind you this guy has had several top 40 hits).
  • edited 2016-01-25 22:14:19
    kill living beings
    So he's just a thoughtless douchebag.
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Attention grab

  • edited 2016-01-25 22:16:18
    kill living beings
    I think that's included in being a douche, but yes, right.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I actually really like the guy, and I don't know if I can listen to his music without thinking "the earth is flat" ever again.
  • he's now moved on to Holocaust denial so
  • but what does he think about the Reptilians
  • he thinks they live underground and kidnap celebrities and use them in human cloning vats.

    I'm serious, he thinks that.
  • well no wonder he has a private jet than, gotta stay as far away from the Reptilians as possible
  • I feel like he probably doesn't have a private jet anymore....
  • Just tell him to fly really, really far.  For like, several days.  See if he notices anything familiar.
  • what, do they revoke your private jet license if you believe in conspiracy theories now?
  • kill living beings
    HAARP is an FAA project, you see
  • IIRC most flat-earthers (this is an organized thing, yes) believe that NASA controls the "outer ring" of the world-disc and will shoot you down if you get too close.

    Look I used to spend more time than I care to admit on UnexplainedMysteries.
  • Jane said:

    IIRC most flat-earthers (this is an organized thing, yes) believe that NASA controls the "outer ring" of the world-disc and will shoot you down if you get too close.

    im imagining how this fits into the NASA budget
  • I realize it's easy to make fun of but you have to understand that none of this shit runs on logic.

    These types of huge conspiracy theories are well outside of the realm of actual reasoning. It's honestly kinda sad.
  • kill living beings
    It's plenty logical! The premises are just idiotic.
  • I mean it's not really even logical.

    If the Earth is completely flat, how is there a "massive underground" for the lizard people to live in?
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Earth is cylindrical.
  • no, flat-earthers believe it is flat. Like a plate.
  • kill living beings
    It could be a thick plate.

    alternately: lizard magic.
  • OK, do people here read the same gossip columns as I do? Because I'm pretty certain of that now that I see this on the front page.

    The holocaust denial and reptilian thing is new to me, though, I'll give you that.
  • I'm presuming Jane first heard of this on HHH, I first heard of this via tumblr
  • kill living beings
    it's the kind of silliness that spreads everywhere. i saw someone retweet something about it
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    i heard of it from peeps retweeting it yeah
  • is BoB a Golden Sun fan?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2016-01-26 08:08:12

    Jane said:

    IIRC most flat-earthers (this is an organized thing, yes) believe that NASA controls the "outer ring" of the world-disc and will shoot you down if you get too close.

    im imagining how this fits into the NASA budget
    I'm imagining when NASA became military and could plausibly shoot things down.  Fuck, if they could do that they'd be getting all the budget they'd ever want.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I'm just sad now.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Bee said:

    Jane said:

    IIRC most flat-earthers (this is an organized thing, yes) believe that NASA controls the "outer ring" of the world-disc and will shoot you down if you get too close.

    im imagining how this fits into the NASA budget
    I'm imagining when NASA became military and could plausibly shoot things down.  Fuck, if they could do that they'd be getting all the budget they'd ever want.
    i mean, part of the reason NASA got funding in the space race is that the same rocket tech that can transport humans can transport nuclear missiles
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Attention grab

  • he's doing a better job of virally marketing himself than tila tequila is at lest
  • Jane said:

    he's now moved on to Holocaust denial so

    ok now this is actively fucking offensive. 

    The flat earth shit is stupid but it hurts no-one but himself.
  • Attention grab


    much of what goes on on twitter is at least partially motivated by the desire for attention

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Conspiracy theories get really unintentionally comical at times because they're so reliant on this idea that certain groups are willing to drop millions of dollars into elaborate hoaxes but then make elementary mistakes that can be solved like an Encyclopedia Brown story.

    NASA faked the moon landing but forgot to put any stars in the background.

    Obama faked the Sandy Hook shooting and Boston Marathon bombing but reused the same actors for both.

    The New World Order built a secret internment camp under Denver International Airport but for some reason decided to fill the terminal with clues about what they plan to do there.
  • edited 2016-01-26 17:32:17

    Conspiracy theories get really unintentionally comical at times because they're so reliant on this idea that certain groups are willing to drop millions of dollars into elaborate hoaxes but then make elementary mistakes that can be solved like an Encyclopedia Brown story.

    NASA faked the moon landing but forgot to put any stars in the background.

    Obama faked the Sandy Hook shooting and Boston Marathon bombing but reused the same actors for both.

    The New World Order built a secret internment camp under Denver International Airport but for some reason decided to fill the terminal with clues about what they plan to do there.
    they watch too many Indiana Jones movies or something

    they should play La-Mulana and participate in Mystery Hunt, clearly, because they think everything is a clue
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    Conspiracy theories get really unintentionally comical at times because they're so reliant on this idea that certain groups are willing to drop millions of dollars into elaborate hoaxes but then make elementary mistakes that can be solved like an Encyclopedia Brown story.

    NASA faked the moon landing but forgot to put any stars in the background.

    Obama faked the Sandy Hook shooting and Boston Marathon bombing but reused the same actors for both.

    The New World Order built a secret internment camp under Denver International Airport but for some reason decided to fill the terminal with clues about what they plan to do there.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Acererak said:

    Jane said:

    he's now moved on to Holocaust denial so

    ok now this is actively fucking offensive. 

    The flat earth shit is stupid but it hurts no-one but himself.
    i looked in here earlier, when it was just flat earth, just kinda shrugged, people believe a lot of weird things

    but i like his music, and this bothers me
  • also he dropped a diss track to Neil deGrasse Tyson???

    and then Tyson's nephew recorded a response???

    2016 is wild.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Let me know if it's worth listening.
  • edited 2016-01-27 02:56:14
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I wanted to know if the rebuttal was worth listening to, but fair enough.
  • I'm not gonna listen to that either because it's over the "Back 2 Back" beat.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ...he's denying the Holocaust now?
  • it's not actually him, he's been kidnapped by the reptilians and his clone is trying to defame him
  • ...he's denying the Holocaust now?

    he told people to read books by that one David guy in his song, so by implication yes

    he also said "Stalin is way worse than Hitler" which is not an unreasonable claim to make but is surrounded by so much zany bullshit that it's hard to take it seriously in context.
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