The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)



  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    if i knew more about computers i'd know why some fonts work here and not others

    i can get any to display for me by setting them as my default serif/sans serif/monospace and tagging them as such

    but some don't seem to display otherwise
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • Ship Thigh Fin Uransit
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch


  • :>

    this is the weird smile that characterizes the Gatchaman Crowds art style


    *red color characterization in MtG*
  • edited 2015-12-07 23:19:22
    Various people on the internet need to stop being so butthurt about SJWs.  I'm tired of hearing people blaming various societal ills on them.  Hmm, lemme go blame the AC being on in this weather on SJWs.
  • edited 2015-12-07 23:38:12
    > It's a known fact that males tend to be extremely competitive, in workplaces as well as in gaming and it has alot to do with society being based in meritocracy.

    ugh, no, don't you treat that as an intrinsically male trait

    quite a large men are better than that and can put something else as a higher priority than their ego or prestige

    it's just that competitiveness is (stupidly) expected of men by society at large

    and it's not a good thing either; people ought to be more cooperative than ruthlessly competitive

    the ruthlessly competitive types are people i call "assholes"
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    The quoted statement strikes me as very ignorant, conflating ruthlessness with merit and confusing the gender roles embedded in the culture of a capitalist society with something intrinsic to human male psychology.

    But why don't you tell them that?
  • because it's really off-topic and tangential where it occurred
  • well i found a way to connect it back to the topic.
  • edited 2015-12-07 23:50:28
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Tachyon said:

    also their going after Sarkeesian was an early overt sign that they were just out to attack feminists, seeing as she wasn't in any way connected to the supposed scandal they titled themselves after

    Pretty much.

    The irony is, I get finding Sarkeesian irritating. Her conclusions are shallow, her theoretical foundations are entry-level, and her whole method of attack focuses on the symptoms of a cultural problem in a way that the sort of people who would be persuaded (or need to be persuaded) on the issue will find alienating and those in the know already understand. She offers some solutions and alternatives, but her main focus is listing and describing examples of problems, many removed from context, whether mitigating or damning, which means that with the exception of converts, hate-fans and the intensely curious, a lot of people will miss the important part of her argument.

    But most of her critics dislike her for much less sensible reasons, and many are just...
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Evil mindkilled progs invading freak spaces to inculcate cathedralist memeplexes
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    IMO after Gamergate and Deflategate we should have agreed as a culture to retire the "-gate" suffixing for scandals
  • used to be a thing called Chinagate

    ...actually it was probably called China Gate

    it was late night jazz on WTMI
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Anonus said:

    IMO after Gamergate and Deflategate we should have agreed as a culture to retire the "-gate" suffixing for scandals

    Gategate was a thing, it happened in the Elder Scrolls fandom.
  • edited 2015-12-08 00:05:22
    the power of framing:

    * target one person's argument: you might look like you have a bone to pick with that person or seem desperate
    * target the general form of that argument: you get to express your exasperation with the existence of the disagreement itself, which is a thing that more people are willing to agree with

    if your objective is to counter that person's argument, then the latter seems like a more effective option
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    Anonus said:

    IMO after Gamergate and Deflategate we should have agreed as a culture to retire the "-gate" suffixing for scandals

    Gategate was a thing, it happened in the Elder Scrolls fandom.
  • Ascended Master Saint Germain, le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe, and many other names belong to the fascinating mysterious man chronicled as, "The man who knows everything and never dies". He is well known for his involvement with shaping 18th century Europe. He was a favored guest at Versailles, confidant to King Louis and Marie Antoinette, Napoleon, Catherine The Great of Russia, and many other heads of state during that time. He was known to have lived over 300 years, never aging, partially due to the mysterious Elixir and other alchemical substances he created.

    A few of his historical incarnations include; the Prophet Samuel, Plato, Merlin to King Arthur, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Saint Alban, Saint Joseph - father to Jesus, Prince Rakoczy (Rákóczi), and Leonardo Di Vinci. He was a powerful healer and High Priest in Atlantis. It was there that he first introduced the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation as a gift to humanity. His many lives have common themes of magic, alchemy, mystery, brilliance, transformation and spiritual devotion. All took place during pivotal times of history where he was instrumental in bring forth expansion and higher evolution of humanity.

    He currently lives in both the Higher Realms; as the Lord of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Ray of freedom, alchemy, justice, mercy and transmutation, and in earthly dimension; by physically appearing from time to time, and through his direct influence and instruction to people he has selected to be his "assistants". Soon Saint Germain will reign as the leader of the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius, when our planet Earth ascends into the 5th dimension. The New Frequencies for Ascension flooded the earth in December 2012. There will now be a "deconstruction/reconstruction" period of approximately 25 years before the Golden Age is fully manifest, however, many people will live in the new state of consciousness much sooner.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Anonus said:

    IMO after Gamergate and Deflategate we should have agreed as a culture to retire the "-gate" suffixing for scandals

    we should have agreed to that at the beginning.  william safire is not only a piece of shit who hated "Ms." because it meant he couldn't tell whether a woman was married at first glance, he's also a piece of shit who made "-gate" into a suffix for scandals because he was a nixon speechwriter and wanted to downplay nixon's crimes
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    That kinda backfired, though, because the actual consequence was that "Watergate" became part of our language and acquired kind of a legendary status.  The scandal so scandalous all subsequent scandals bear its name.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    and after people called Marco Rubio reaching for a bottle of water "Watergate" we should have taken the Mitchell and Webb route and called the original scandal Watergategate
  • #zingersthatexistonlybecausetheyseemedcoolatthetime

    "One thing in common between Charlie Sheen and an oil sheen is that you can flame both of them."
  • edited 2015-12-08 19:23:40
    how to make a zinger:

    1. come up with a pun.  any pun.
    2. try to think of a way to use that pun in some meaningful manner.  a good lot of the time, this will turn out to be insulting, simply by accident.
    3. take that punny insult and make a one-liner out of it.

    note that "wanting to insult someone" is NOT part of the initial premise in this process
    it is merely a side effect
  • 1. let's see...let's try "king" and "bing"
    2. well, "bing" is a search engine, but certainly not the most prominent one...but it'd like to be.
    3. so let's observe that Bing is not king.

    "Yeah, Bing would like to be, but sure as hell ain't, king."

    Bonus points are awarded if you find another formulation for the same pun!

    Let's say that Bing tries to do something involving supporting civil rights but then does it badly.

    "Bing would like to be, but sure as hell ain't, King."

    Congratulations!  Now you've insulted one thing and made uncomfortable jokes about something else, all without meaning to, simply by indulging your creativity!
  • 1. "crook" and "nook"
    2. "crook" doesn't have too many interesting ways of working with it.  it's got one stable meaning ("criminal") and not much else.  Maybe "Vote for the crook; it's important."  "Nook" also is hard to work with but definitely is a notable e-reader trademark.  Also the phrase "nooks and crannies", but I don't think we're going to use---waaaaaaait...both "crooks" and "nannies" are real words!  That's just gold!  But the problem is I already came up with something involving insulting e-readers.
    3. "Actually, the correct spelling of 'Nook' is 'Crook' since it just steals your money."

    Unfortunately, there's no fun zinger that can be made from "crooks and nannies".  I guess one could take the perspective of a mischievous child and complain that "crooks and nannies always lie in wait in nooks and crannies", but that's about it.
  • Slogan for a the Kindle Fire: "Vote down the Nook.  It's important."
  • edited 2015-12-08 19:31:53

    Slogan for an ad campaign for the Kindle Fire: "Vote down the Nook.  It's important."


  • wild ass = wild eep

    ...okay i got nothing
  • words with multiple meanings make them very useful for dimension-switching

    by dimension-switching i mean transferring/associating a meaning into another meaning
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    S1: The Doctor Dances
    S2: The Impossible Planet
    S3: Blink
    S4: Midnight
    S5: The Eleventh Hour
    S6: The Doctor's Wife
    S7: Asylum of the Daleks
    S8: Flatline
    S9: Heaven Sent

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • Tachyon said:


    in which a person named Moffat serves a large number of non-consecutive terms
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    it was, in fact, a lot more Moffat than i was expecting
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • edited 2015-12-12 09:59:29
    perhaps it is in some ways our struggles that keep us alive

    having something to struggle for means having something to live for

  • I know it's supposed to be "Yurippe" but I prefer it as "Eurippe".

    Just like I recognize one of GC's characters as "Guy" and another one as "Cato".

  • meow meow meowtherfuckers
    shit that makes me laugh at five am ----> (' ◞ิ۝◟ิ‵) <------ this face
  • meow meow meowtherfuckers
    also this ----->  ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • Anonus said:

    IMO after Gamergate and Deflategate we should have agreed as a culture to retire the "-gate" suffixing for scandals

    Gategate was a thing, it happened in the Elder Scrolls fandom.
    Forest Gategate was a real scandal that happened near where i used to live in east london
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    bask in awe
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Zestpoole fact: the only reason there was a sausage factory was because Eddie kept using that ridiculous sausage factory metaphor about TVT

    the bug colony would have been a nod to ijbm and btl (beetle); thankfully this never came to anything

    this + the trash was to be the first area, but Zesty never escaped
  • Tachyon said:

    Zestpoole fact: the only reason there was a sausage factory was because Eddie kept using that ridiculous sausage factory metaphor about TVT

    wait wha
  • also Tach u should license Zestpoole

    to whom and for what I don't know, but you should do it.
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