League of Legends Team of the Heapers' Hangout forum

edited 2013-12-12 17:15:13 in General
Myself and a couple people (notably Prof Gator) have expressed an interest in putting together a casual LoL team for the purposes of...well, casual LoL playing.

Because the game is pretty tightly-structured, we do have to be careful about who gets what role. If you're not familiar with MOBAs make sure to look up LoL's champion roles and check below to make sure there's not much overlap (ideally, there shouldn't be any). After we earn more IP points, we'll be able to unlock more champions and it will matter less.

Of course, none of us are actually any good at this game, so it will likely be a mess. But as I understand it you get IP for losing too, so it shouldn't matter too much. We need about five people for a team, as well as a generally agreeable time to play together.

I am still not entirely clear on LoL's character roles, so please discuss your choice of champion before finalizing your pick. You can't switch it out (ignore the free champions, those are for people who are not us).

Currently we need a Tank, a Support, and like....a something else.

Signup Instructions, Current Roster is below.

1. Go here
2. Sign up for an account and download the client
3. Complete the tutorials
4. Spend the 450 IP doing this gives you on a starter champion.



Mojave Music -- Warwick (Jungler / Offlaner)
Prof Gator -- Ryze (Disabler)
saladofstones -- Ahri (Midlane Carry)
Pyridrym -- Soraka (Support)
unclaimed -- (Tank)


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