Question for British Heapers

What's your opinion on the reign of King Ralph?


  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    probably bad
  • The next day Ralph addresses Parliament in the House of Lords, of which his nemesis, Lord Graves, is Lord Chancellor. Finally adopting the dignified manner and composure befitting a monarch, he publicly apologizes for his recent actions and then informs Parliament that he has helped work out a deal with the King of Zambezi that will create thousands of British jobs in the economically depressed northeast of England. He follows this announcement with the revelation that Graves has been working to sabotage his succession to the throne and has him arrested then and there by Scotland Yard detectives for violating the Treason Act of 1702, (which is an actual British law) that, among others things, prohibits anyone from interfering with the proper succession of a legitimate heir to the throne. Finally, he tells the British people that while he tried his best to be a good king, he admits that his best will never be good enough and that he believes the British people deserve a better monarch. Thus, he has decided to abdicate his throne, and reveals that Willingham is also a member of the Royal Family and will succeed him as King Cedric I.
    this is the one bit of the movie that i remember
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    At least until the award-winning docudrama that followed, The Madness of King Ralph
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