listn i'm usually on board with criticizing myself but calling me a "shadow namer" like that's supposed to sound like i'm a pointless fuckwad instead of some kind of fantasy necromancer is just ineffeictive
listn i'm usually on board with criticizing myself but calling me a "shadow namer" like that's supposed to sound like i'm a pointless fuckwad instead of some kind of fantasy necromancer is just ineffeictive
u heard it here first folks: scientismism is as real as sauron, and about as important to actual peeps.
when u name shadows that you think are reals, but they are not
they are feels
explain like i'm someone who is not part of an internet community that exists solely to intellectually jerk each other off
idea might be that things like quarks are so far removed from experience that they can hardly be said to meaningfully exist, or maybe it's a plato sadomasochism cave thing where quarks are just an epiphenomenon of other aspects of reality we don't understand, and thus perhaps do not deserve names
No it does not.