I discovered the secret to DailyMotion

edited 2015-10-21 04:43:22 in General Media
So a friend linked me to a DailyMotion video and it was completely unwatchable.  It actually has some half-decent streaming, but it's impossible to tell because it clogs your pipe and CPU with a frankly ludicrous amount of bullshit.

So I opened a debugger and ran some FUCK EVERYTHING code in the console.

$('iframe, object, #bodyall > :not(#topwrapper), #topwrapper > :not(#wrapper), #wrapper > :not(#content)').remove()

Turns out the site doesn't actually need anything outside of that one #content element to run its videos.


  • Ich bin ein jelly doughnut
    just as the #content_providers intended.

    If you write a script or something for this you'd probably get some downloads.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    ...I've never had this problem with DailyMotion
  • Yeah, like...I'm sympathetic to ad revenue.  But only insofar as it doesn't make your site completely unusable.

    It still has the interstitial video ads.  The fact that those were taking up less traffic and CPU than the rest of the shit on the page should tell you something.
  • I wish Youtube weren't the only player on the block.

    I wish Youtube became less prominent, and other video sites had more audience share.
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Vimeo seems like the closest thing YouTube has to a rival, and it lacks YouTube's Google "economies of scale" thing
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-10-21 05:21:18
    It's a really ugly cycle.  Youtube eats more market share, so other sites have to leverage more ad revenue, which makes their sites laggy shitfests, which drives more people to Youtube.

    I don't really see any nice solution, TBH.  Advertisers work so hard to impose detection, cut deals with addon developers, and all this other garbage to ensure that they're not getting blocked by users.  I feel like if they made half that effort to optimize their shit and not take up an obnoxiously disproportionate chunk of resources (on a video streaming service for God's sake), we wouldn't need that stuff.  Typical users think sites are slower than they really are primarily because
    browsers have a surprisingly low cap on simultaneous requests.  You're not actually waiting for Facebook to append another page of timeline -- you're waiting for the other 20+ ad service calls to GTFO of your pipe so it can ask for the next page in the first place.

    Maybe imposing efficiency limits on advertisers for bandwidth, CPU, and external calls and resources.  Mandate that ad scripts be concatenated into a single package js file.  Impose a hard limit on XHR frequency, and recommend that data they normally put into multiple requests be combined into one.
  • edited 2015-10-21 05:23:39
    Bee said:

    It's a really ugly cycle.  Youtube eats more market share, so other sites have to leverage more ad revenue, which makes their sites laggy shitfests, which drives more people to Youtube.

    I don't really see any nice solution, TBH.

    This is what I hate about this whole situation.

    Right now we basically can only wait for Youtube to fuck something up.  There's very little proactive measure that we can do about it.  Well I guess people could try DDoSing Youtube, but even that's a poor idea, because a lot of innocent people depend on or otherwise really enjoy content hosted on Youtube.

    So much for the internet being a place of opportunity and even playing fields...nah, we just saw the pioneer west, online.  The early adopters either fail miserably and we hear no more of them or they have become the tech giants that are now household names and have huge social monopoly power.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    fwiw I think Youtube is considering a setup where you pay for ad-free
  • BeeBee
    edited 2015-10-21 07:27:23
    Youtube's ads are relatively nonintrusive though.  Like, you get interstitials, but not the kind of shit that prevents you from running the site for the entire time you have it open.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Youtube fucking works. A lot of the time, Dailymotion doesn't.
  • there was that one time where Youtube retroactively inserted upwards of 50 interstitials into certain partnered YTers' old videos
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    there was that one time where Youtube retroactively inserted upwards of 50 interstitials into certain partnered YTers' old videos

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