BYORP (Bring Your Own RP) - Discussion

edited 2015-05-05 05:39:51 in Roleplay & Games
Hi everybody! It's me here with another RP, but this time it's less a specific RP and more of a system for making several small RPs.

BYORP is an idea where we all collectively vote on a setting and a goal for our characters to accomplish within that setting. There's no GM, all decisions in BYORP are made by voting, or just spontaneously. As such this game does require a high amount of player cooperation and general good faith.

So, rules:

The first thing you must do is declare your interest in a round. Declaring interest doesn't mean you have to submit a setting, but if you do, you have to play with whatever setting we end up going with. Otherwise we'd just have people dropping out when their setting doesn't get picked, which is no fun for anyone.

Your setting should be described in a few sentences at most. Settings can be both very general or very specific, "a huge desert with nothing for miles around" is a valid setting, and so is "a suburban Japanese high school during Spring, on a Friday, while it's raining outside." 

Your setting must be your own original creation, it can be preexisting, but not someone else's. Thus, if Central Avenue wanted to play, she could use Centralia, but I couldn't. You can vote on as many settings as you want per round, but use your votes wisely, the setting with the most votes wins, with ties being decided by a simple die roll

Your goal is the nebulous part, the goal is just something the characters should try to do before the scenario ends. In general, the goal should be something short-term. We're telling short stories here, not writing novels. Goals should not take the characters any more than a realtime week to accomplish, if any particular scenario gets popular, it may be spun off into its own thread. Similarly, if we begin to feel that a scenario is dragging its feet, we (the active players) can call a vote to end it early, in which case a majority rules. Hopefully we won't have to do that.

Lastly comes the characters, which we draw up after voting on a setting. These, again, should be described in just a few sentences, and should fit with the general feel of the setting. So if we're going with that desert from earlier, don't play a dolphin-man, and if we're going with the high school, don't play a dolphin-man there either because what the fuck.

It should go without saying that I will play the first round, at the very least. But I'll hold off on submitting a setting for now.



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