The Heap's Election Tournament for Grand Poobah of the Heapers' Hangout

because i feel like running a tourney and also dabbling in politics at the same time

The position of Grand Poobah of the Heapers' Hangout is an elected office that is elected via a series of election matches.

The first sixteen people to post in this thread saying that they'd like to be Grand Poobah of the Heapers' Hangout (GPBHH) will be the entrants into this election tournament!  Then I will randomly shuffle your names and post them into Challonge or something.

Then, during each round, voting will proceed as follows:
1. for each match, each candidate comes up with a keyword or keyphrase (hereafter just called "key").  every key must contain a distinct series of letters -- it can't be the same as any other key in the same election cycle.  it must be at least 5 letters long.  if you advance to later rounds in the same election cycle, you must come up with a new key.
2. everyone votes by posting the key of their preferred candidate, in a single post in this thread.  For example, if someone's key is "it's just a lemon", then posting "it's just a lemon" in a post in this thread counts as a vote for that candidate.  If you mess up the punctuation or spacing; it's okay -- "itsjustalemon" also counts.
3. everyone on HH may vote once in every match in every round.  rounds will last a set amount of time.  match totals do not carry over to later rounds.
4. you're allowed to campaign to get other people to post your key in the thread.  just do not break any rules in the process.  obviously, hijacking accounts is not allowed.  sockpuppet votes are allowed but considered to be bad form.

Round 1: 8 matches
Round 2: 4 matches, for the winners of Round 1
Round 3: 2 matches, for the winners of Round 2
Round 4: 1 final match, for the winners of Round 3


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