the times when I wish to be vegan

Sometimes I wonder if I can swing it


  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I love making fun of vegans. They're so sensitive.

    I don't make fun of vegetarians, though. I should be a vegetarian myself, but it's so hard to give up meat. I'm just not ready.
  • Sensitive?
  • edited 2015-03-04 11:17:43
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    Which is not to say that they're wrong, or that the meat industry doesn't practice needlessly cruel raising, feeding, and slaughtering methods. 

    But they're so overblown about it. And ridiculous. They're the folks who raise their own carnivorous pets on vegetables and tofu, disregarding all evidence to the contrary. They're also the folks who pursue "superfoods" because it's purportedly good for you, buying huge quantities of it and injuring certain aspects of food trade.
  • What aspects?
  • edited 2015-03-04 11:29:34
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Like that complicated business with quinoa. Foreigners are buying huge amounts of it, which currently causes shortages and high prices in Andea, the only place it's being produced.

    When vegans say "ANIMALS ARE PEOPLE TOO", I know it. Buddhism states that one of the unhappy rebirths we all must go through is as animals, either literally or figuratively.

    I know about minimizing suffering. I try to practice it. But the truth is that a lot of the time, trying to minimize suffering in one area is going to cause more suffering in another, even if it's not done deliberately.

    Overcoming and minimizing suffering is a noble cause. Trying to eliminate it entirely is fruitless and self-destructive.
    I'm actually vegan mostly for nutrition reason and ecological impact of mass producing animals... and yeah, on top of that it's not very ethical.

    I think that the fact that we all grew up in this kind of environment made us very insensitive about the whole animal products industry, so I can understand why some vegan are "overblown" about the topic, in some way. And yeah, those gimmicky superfood are rather problematic.

    PS: Quinoa is fucking overrated.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I'd just call you a "vegetarian," but if you want to be known as a "vegan" we can do that too.
    I kinda broke my vegan power yesterday when I was stoned and ate chips mix that contained milk .-.

    I consider milk to be the worst and the top priority to avoid when being vegan, nutrition-wise...

    At this point I can't eat meat because I just think it's really fucking disgusting, but that's just me, so.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I think I know what that's like. I've been drinking diet coke for so long that the sugared deal just tastes kind of sickening.
  • First off, Quinoa is overrated and terrible , and I generally go out of my way to avoid it when I can.

    Second, as a vegan, the only way to actually piss me off is to insist that you can't make delicious vegan food. Just because all you've had is the unseasoned tofu that gets served as vegan options doesn't mean it's unsaleable as a foodstuff. Philistines don't even know about the braised stuff.

    Humans do things for selfish reasons. One of them is eating meat. Another is buying AAA games made off of the backs of human beings broken by crappy management. I avoid the former but will occasionally fall prey to the latter. You might eat meat and be careful to compost it on your way to volunteering at the homeless shelter. We all do our part to try and make things better in different ways.  
  • MachSpeed said:

    I'd just call you a "vegetarian," but if you want to be known as a "vegan" we can do that too.

    Listen, you need to find a better word to make fun of far-left people. Animal Justice Warriors or something. Because vegan is my word. And also Pyr's. So your usage is now incorrect.

    Or, for that matter, you could eat meats that are less damaging to the environment...cattle raising generates a lot of methane, and that's been known for years now.
  • I don't eat beef
  • I'd prolly aim for being vegetarian if it werent for the whole being dirt poor thing
  • inb4 cats are obligate carnivores tho
  • i rarely eat beef

    i'm often a vegetarian by convenience

    also wtf is quinoa
  • I have cut a caper with the dancing mad god
    I don't intentionally adhere to a vegetarian diet, but it's a lot cheaper so most of my diet contains no meat anyway. 

    There also aren't a lot of kinds of meat that are both easy to make and things I find really tasty. I'll occasionally purchase a rotisserie chicken, but otherwise... eh. Sometimes a lentil soup with sausage in it. It's just not very usual for me.

    It have a bunch and idk what to do with it
    Well, I will eventually try my luck at making vegan cheese, I could always report my results.
  • lee4hmz said:

    Or, for that matter, you could eat meats that are less damaging to the environment...cattle raising generates a lot of methane, and that's been known for years now.

    Yeah, that too.

    The ecological cost of mass farming is one of the major reasons that i don't eat meat. Though I understand that small scale farming is sometimes the only way that people in some areas can get food. I accept that.
    naney said:

    I'd prolly aim for being vegetarian if it werent for the whole being dirt poor thing

    That's also another reason that I'd accept freely. It's a bit easier for me because I have a meal plan and my school's hoity-toity enough to have multiple vegan options at occasionally reasonable prices. Unless you go to the school market, where they sell four 'chicken' patties for 6 or 7 dollars, but everything's overpriced there.

    Same reason that it bugs me when people complain about poor people being fat. Especially children of poor people who are fat. You Philistine, it takes time and/or money to make food that doesn't make you fat, and those are not things that poor mothers have because they're working two jobs to keep the lights on.
  • i admit to eating cheese and drinking milk though
  • Even if quinoa didn't have that controversy surrounding it, I wouldn't like it. There's something about the texture that makes me want to scrape it off my tongue
  • I'd have to give up real cheese, I know...
  • what non-cattle sources of dairy products are there?
  • Goats

    From what I hear it's no better for them

    I'd have to give up real cheese, I know...

    Apparently good vegan cheese taste just the same, the process is the same.

    Milk made from plants + Culture = Cheese(and other fermented products)
  • edited 2015-03-05 01:21:28
    Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.

    Listen, you need to find a better word to make fun of far-left people. Animal Justice Warriors or something. Because vegan is my word. And also Pyr's. So your usage is now incorrect.

    I am open to suggestions which are not "Animal Justice Warriors."
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Sometimes I would consider vegetarianism if it weren't so pricey.

    Don't think I'd go full vegan though.

    Sometimes I would consider vegetarianism if it weren't so pricey.

    Don't think I'd go full vegan though.
    But it's so much cheaper then what most people say.
    It's expensive when you get all those gimmicky "super food"
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Over here, we got food courts called "hawker centers", and they're all open-air, and the vendors are mostly family-owned. Kopitiams follow the same principle, but are smaller in size.

    Most have at least one vegetarian-only vendor. And it's not that much differently price than the folks who serve meat.

    So basically, if you're going to be a vegetarian, eat rice. Rice is good for you, and it's cheap. You can do all kinds of great things with it.
  • wtf is this super food bullshit

    it sounds like the stuff of random untrustworthy spammy internet ads promising that some foods are extra good at helping people lose weight or are inordinately rich in nutrients or something

    why not just eat a balanced diet
    don't overdose on starches, fats, sugars, or salty foods
    get a good serving of veggies
    drink enough water (that's water, not sodas or energy drinks or sports drinks)

    parents should of course NOT reward their kids with candy and thus prevent them from developing a sweet tooth

    instead parents need to find ways to serve children with good-tasting veggies
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    It's exactly like that, but on a much larger scale. There are huge industries based on this health superfood thing. People write books, appear on television, and so on.
    It's business, people make money out of it. It's pretty discusting.
  • i condemn them all to a life where they are not allowed to eat any sources of starch except french fries
  • i condemn them all to a life where they are not allowed to eat any sources of starch except french fries

    Don't eat Mcdonald's fries, they contain beef in them. 
  • im pretty sure they used to and they dont anymore
  • naney said:

    im pretty sure they used to and they dont anymore

    Nope, just checked the site.


    *Natural beef flavor contains hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolyzed milk as starting ingredients. 

  • Birdie's origin was explained in one old commercial: a giant egg falls from the night sky into McDonaldland, and Ronald McDonald decided to show the egg love
  • Birdie's origin was explained in one old commercial: a giant egg falls from the night sky into McDonaldland, and Ronald McDonald decided to show the egg love
    Ronald Mcdonald's Bizarre Adventure. 
  • LWLW
    edited 2015-03-08 22:54:12

    First off, Quinoa is overrated and terrible , and I generally go out of my way to avoid it when I can.

    Second, as a vegan, the only way to actually piss me off is to insist that you can't make delicious vegan food. Just because all you've had is the unseasoned tofu that gets served as vegan options doesn't mean it's unsaleable as a foodstuff. Philistines don't even know about the braised stuff.
    On one hand, I totally agree with you; there is a great deal of diversity when it comes to vegan and vegetarian dishes, something is not always (often not) recognized in discussions of those diets.

    On the other hand, sometimes I am just happy to see a vegetarian/vegan option, especially one that is not just salad. I think salad is fine, but it is not like vegetarians and vegans typically just eat salad all day everyday, you know? So if the choice is between unseasoned tofu or beef stew, I am going to go with tofu every time.

    I think whether or not vegetarianism/veganism is more expensive than eating meat really depends on how you go about it. For example, rice and beans are cheap whereas some of the fancier substitute meat products can be a bit pricey.
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