when your imagination comes up with things that make no sense

Like Disney's purchase of 21st Century Fox. It happened almost entirely to get them out of the picture so ABC Inc could buy Time Warner. About the only useful things this accomplished was getting the movie rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four back to Marvel, and get Disney complete ownership of Star Wars.

The Fox broadcast network is currently experiencing ratings doldrums, and The Football isn't helping them much. Not to mention that apart from the Fox News they are retooling, they own no big-ticket cable channels. FX exists mostly for critical cred, and Fox Sports 1 isn't close to being an ESPN challenger yet (if ever). It would have made more sense for Disney to buy CBS, the only network that still seems adept at bringing in a broad audience.


  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    honestly i find the most enjoyable fantasies fall apart when you apply too much logic to them

    coming up with perfectly internally consistent fantasy is hard

    unless you're a mathematician, maybe
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Or Leibniz

  • when something doesn't make sense, that means i haven't put enough effort into understanding it
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