Madagascar: the first entry in one of those seemingly interminable animated film franchises that has had seemingly no real impact on anything. Released in 2005 by the then red-hot,
Shrek-fueled DreamWorks Animation,
Madagascar isn't as good as the first two entries in that franchise, from which DWA derived pretty much all of its goodwill. What follows is, to a certain point, copied from the main thread.
They're going for this fast-paced brand of humor, and it doesn't seem to work very well
The voices of Ben Stiller and Chris Rock don't seem to fit their characters (Alex the lion and Marty the zebra) very well
and they're not that distinct (Chris Rock is more distinct than Ben Stiller but still)
What kind of name is "Melman" anyway
never before has the contrast between humor and fake-humor been so pronounced