Funny Moments from IRC

edited 2012-01-12 23:42:20 in General
...which, admittedly, I edited way down to make them easier to read. BUT ANYWAY:

<AliceAvenue> @ship Anonus/MGM
<Omnipresence> AliceAvenue: Ship request successful! <3
<Anonus> AliceAvenue: No. It's Anonus [♠] MGM.
<Anonus> @ship Anonus/♠MGM
<Omnipresence> Anonus: Ship request successful! <3
<Anonus> @ship Anonus/♠Lionsgate
<Omnipresence> Anonus: Ship request successful! <3
<AliceAvenue> Anonus: ...You just @ship'd yourself.
<AliceAvenue> Twice.
<Anonus> AliceAvenue: yeah?
<AliceAvenue> I think that's, like, a violation of international law or something.
<Nitya> That's against the rules.
*** Anonus was kicked by ChanServ (ponicalica (selfshipping))
<AliceAvenue> .note Anonus You got what you deserved!
*** Anonus joined #yackfest
<feepbot> Anonus: AliceAvenue left a note 2 seconds ago: You got what you deserved!
<Anonus> Oh alright fine, no self-shipping.


  • Nitya: don't remember 
    Nitya: SpruceZeus|Away help me out here 
    SpruceZeus|Away: ffffff 
    SpruceZeus|Away: can't think clearly, fluorescent railroad spikes being driven into eyes by the strobe imps 
    SpruceZeus|Away: aaaaaah pear drop! 
    SpruceZeus|Away: at least my eyes stopped bleeding 
    SpruceZeus|Away: oh no he's going back into room 3 now 
    Nitya: Honestly, that's probably more informative than an answer would have been.
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