Remember, Glen Beck was the guy who asked, "why those of us who respectfully question the science behind global warming are mocked and derided". He also claims that education is overfunded.
However, he also claims that the military is overfunded, and that a whole lot of things are overfunded, so it seems that at the very least he is consistent and not a hypocrite about that one specific issue about which he is an unlikable jerkface.
So, he's consistently awful, and at least consistent in that?
Okay, yeah, I can't muster any defense of Glen Beck.
Sorta? He's really, really conservative in a lot of ways. But at the same time, I feel like a lot of his more extreme posturing came out of a desire to shock and play to his audience that I don't think he feels pressured to do in his current position. He's still a showman, and that's his trade, but at this point he has a comfortable following and doesn't feel like he explicitly has to piss some people off and pander to others for the sake of it.