I was going to win an argument

edited 2014-09-21 18:24:47 in General
But then you pointed out I was maybe guilty of an informal fallacy so you win and are now King/Queen of argument.


  • No, I'm actually King of the Castle, so you're wrong.  Though I'm still not married to Nora, who is Queen.

    (ITT: we argue solely in ad hominems)
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    I'm the King of Town
  • LWLW
    edited 2014-09-21 20:25:02

    I think I can understand the temptation to want to argue with somebody online when they say something with which you disagree, but from what I can tell, most online "debates" are pretty pointless and go on way longer than necessary. It seems unlikely to me that one is going to convince somebody who apparently believes something strong enough that he/she is willing to argue about it online and there is rarely, if ever, a judge out there who is actually going to decide which side won the "debate" based on who had the better arguments.

    While I guess you could argue that the people following the "debate" could benefit from it, the frequency with which online arguments get needlessly heated leads me to believe that they are rarely worth it. On that note, I think people are usually better served by walking away from a discussion when they can see that emotions are running high rather than putting forth a point-by-point rebuttal.

    To actually say something on topic, I agree that invoking logical fallacies as a way of proving somebody wrong is pretty silly, especially given how many of them are open to interpretation.
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