The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)



  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    also, you should do an episode on RWBY
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    By "Avatar", do you mean the film or the TV series?

    the James Cameron film

    also, you should do an episode on RWBY

    yeah probably

    also Drake, though much of "Rap and Country" is about him
  • you should do episodes on:
    * Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
    * the Crazy Castle series
    * the Knightmare and Maze of Galious series
    * the Valis series of video games
    * Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac
    * Hans Rott
    * NASCAR
    * the Scarlatti family
    * the noir genre
    * A Prairie Home Companion
    * Gunsmoke
    * Dragnet
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    i feel like a reasonable percentage of the episodes need to be about, like, people who actually get into art galleries, though

    i mean the whole point is to tell plebeians that what they think is art is not actually art
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    also there's no point doing episodes on video games because it is established near the start of the first season that NO video games are art

    in fact it is established that all video games are trash except for Breakout, which is "a decent game that doesn't try to be anything it's not" (for instance, it is not art)
  • i don't actually know the point of the show and i was assuming it's something akin to hardcoregaming101's doing summary and commentary profiles introducing people to things
  • Tachyon said:


    i feel like a reasonable percentage of the episodes need to be about, like, people who actually get into art galleries, though

    i mean the whole point is to tell plebeians that what they think is art is not actually art

    so THAT's the point of the show

    well in that case

    scratch my previous suggestions and do a show about the show itself
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    no, because this show is simply an informative documentary intended to educate the public

    whether or not it is 'art' is not a question that needs to be addressed
  • Tachyon said:

    no, because this show is simply an informative documentary intended to educate the public

    whether or not it is 'art' is not a question that needs to be addressed
    to what extent does it contain original commentary from the creators?
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    the creators of the show?

    it is entirely their wisdom, bestowed upon an unworthy public
  • edited 2015-08-20 21:27:36
    Tachyon said:

    the creators of the show?

    it is entirely their wisdom, bestowed upon an unworthy public
    then i declare that their show is art, and force them to prove to me it is not art.
  • > the notorious retirement community The Villages

    a phrase that i never thought i'd read, yet i'm not surprised i agree with
  • edited 2015-08-20 21:30:09
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    My original idea for That's Not Art, You Plebeian! (and yes, I had one) was this sort of Candid Camera-esque show where "faux art" situations are created and "suckers" are baited into believing that what they are observing is indeed art. But then they are told, "That's Not Art, You Plebeian!™"
  • edited 2015-08-20 21:31:58
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • edited 2015-08-20 21:51:40
    There is a major problem when you as lieutenant governor have to go to the press to say "I have no idea what the fuck the governor is doing, because the governor told me he was resigning and told me to get my ass back here, but then told me he wasn't resigning and everything was fine, and offered me no other details".

    /me is just recalling something that happened a little while ago in Oregon; this isn't news
  • (The Senate adjoured sine die, which is Latin for "as long as we please, yo.")
  • That was definitely one short special session. Virginia lawmakers had
    been called back to the state capitol on Monday to hammer out a new
    congressional map, seeing as the current lines were ruled an unconstitutional racial gerrymander
    by a federal court earlier this year. But with the state House and
    Senate in Republican hands and forever at loggerheads with Democratic
    Gov. Terry McAuliffe, odds were always high that the two sides would
    never reach an agreement and would instead send the whole matter back to
    court to have the judges serve as cartographers.

    Now that's a near certainty, though for reasons unrelated to
    redistricting. At the start of the new session, Republican lawmakers
    attempted to oust state Supreme Court Justice Jane Roush, whom McAuliffe
    appointed on an interim basis last month, with a judge more to their liking, Ronnie Alston. However, the vote failed,
    thanks to a defection by retiring GOP state Sen. John Watkins, who was
    disgusted by his own party's flagrant partisan posturing.

    But had the legislature remained in session to work on redistricting,
    Republicans could have kept trying to install Alston in place of Roush.
    Since Democrats were pissed at Republicans for trying to bump off Roush
    in the first place, and since they knew there was no longer any hope of
    any kind of deal on a new map, they banded together with Watkins a
    second time to adjourn the special session—all on the very day it began.

    It's a pretty fascinating exercise in power, with one chamber
    basically saying "fuck you" to the other.
    Republicans say they think the
    Senate might not be able to adjourn for more than three days without
    the consent of the House, so we could be back here right quick. But if
    Watkins continues to defect, the GOP will lack a quorum
    and won't be able to conduct any business; in that scenario, McAuliffe
    would be able to re-appoint Roush to a second interim term when her
    current one expires in September. And Republicans, who could have traded
    a favorable congressional map for a Democratic priority like, say,
    Medicaid expansion, will instead walk away with nothing—and at least
    several more months of Jane Roush on the high court.

    My bolding.

    I can't help but be amused and intrigued by these shenanigans.  They're hilarious, dramatic, and actually high-stakes.

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Anonus said:

    My original idea for That's Not Art, You Plebeian! (and yes, I had one) was this sort of Candid Camera-esque show where "faux art" situations are created and "suckers" are baited into believing that what they are observing is indeed art. But then they are told, "That's Not Art, You Plebeian!™"

    That makes more sense as a show, as in, people might actually watch it, it's not a show that sets out to annoy its audience as much as possible.

    TBH i was mostly thinking of Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, only instead of attempting to debunk stuff, they just sneer at you for liking it.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    well, i suppose i will just have to start my own show

    i don't think That's Not Metal, You Mallcore Loving Sheep is taken
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

    /me spray paints "слава Україні" on the road closed ahead sign
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    That's not going to keep the road from being closed, you know


    > DETOUR >

    this amuses me

    no, they're not roman letters

    they're cyrillic letters, just inelegantly transferred to the closest-looking roman letters

    for example, the "h" is actually only ever "H", because it's the cyrillic letter that's pronounced like the roman letter N, and that cyrillic letter never looks like "h", only "H"
  • Incidentally, "ykpaihi" is a hashtag on twitter.  Same way, just different language.  "ykpaihi" is a Roman-letter closest-appearance representation of "Ukraine" in Ukrainian, while "ykpaiha" is the same meaning but in Russian.
  • specifically I think the cyrillic letter representing that R sound is actually the appearance of a capital P, rather than a lowercase p with the serif at the upper left.
  • fine I'll take it to the YMCA landfill
  • questions for politicians

    1. Which is the more proper ending to Neon Genesis Evangelion -- episodes 25 and 26, or End Of Evangelion?

    2. Were Homura Akemi's actions right or wrong?

    3. Should Castlevania Legends be canon?

    4. What is your opinion of the game Hatred?

    5. Is Chrono Cross a proper sequel to Chrono Trigger?

    6. What do you think should be a proper copyright term for creative works?

    7. What is your position on the copyright restrictions on derivative works?
  • things that do not jimminy:

    * giraffe
    * zebra
    * elephant shrew
    * elephant
    * shrew
    * shrew (the human kind)
    * mankind
    * savior
    * saviour
    * you
    * British people
    * lawn chairs
    * long walks on the beach
    * Caribbean vacations
    * Portuguese speakers in locales other than Portugal
    * Stupid People @ MIT
    * little packets of soy sauce that one gets from Chinese takeout

    Remember, only jimminy crickets.  Nothing else.
  • your ass is grass...if that's all it eats
  • if you feed your ass other foods, your ass won't be grass.
  • thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass, nor pin a tail on it.
  • Jackson's chameleon or Jackson's three-horned chameleon (Trioceros jacksonii ) is a species of chameleon (family Chamaeleonidae) native to East Africa, but also introduced to Hawaii and Florida.[3][4]


        1 Taxonomy
        2 Etymology
        3 Subspecies
        4 Habitat and geographic range
        5 Description
        6 Ecology
            6.1 Feeding habits
            6.2 Invasive species
            6.3 Territoriality
        7 Reproduction
        8 In captivity
        9 References
        10 External links


    Jackson's chameleon was first described by Belgian-British zoologist George Albert Boulenger in 1896.[1]

    The generic name, Trioceros, is derived from the Greek t??- (tri-) meaning "three" and ???a? (kéras) meaning "horns".[5] This is in reference to the three horns found on the heads of males.

    The specific name, jacksonii, is a Latinized form of English explorer and ornithologist Frederick John Jackson's last name, who was serving as the first Governor of Kenya at the time.[6][7]

    The English word chameleon (also chamaeleon) derives from Latin chamaeleo, a borrowing of the Ancient Greek ?aµa????? (khamailéon), a compound of ?aµa? (khamaí) "on the ground" and ???? (léon) "lion". The Greek word is a calque translating the Akkadian neš qaqqari, "ground lion".[8]

    The three subspecies, including the nominate, are:

        T. j. jacksonii (Boulenger, 1896) – Jackson's chameleon
        T. j. merumontanus (Rand, 1958) – dwarf Jackson's chameleon
        T. j. xantholophus (Eason, Ferguson & Hebrard, 1988) – yellow-crested Jackson's chameleon

    Habitat and geographic range
    Wild T. j. xantholophus from Hilo, Hawaii

    Jackson's chameleons are native to woodlands and forests at altitudes of 1,600 to 2,440 m (5,250 to 8,010 ft) in south-central Kenya and northern Tanzania.[3][9] In these areas, the rainfall is seasonal but exceeds 127 cm (50 in) per year. Day temperatures are typically 16–27 °C (61–81 °F), and night temperatures are typically 4–18 °C (39–64 °F).[9] In Tanzania, it is only known from Mount Meru in the Arusha Region, which is the home of the relatively small endemic subspecies T. j. merumontanus.[3] Jackson's chameleon is more widespread in Kenya, where it is even found in wooded areas of some Nairobi suburbs.[3] The subspecies T. j. xantholophus (native to the Mount Kenya region) was introduced to Hawaii in 1972 and has since established populations on all main islands and became invasive species there.[10][11][12][13] This subspecies has also been introduced to Florida.[4] In Hawaii, they are mainly found at altitudes of 100 to 1,000 m (330 to 3,280 ft) in wet, shady places.[4] Historically this population was the primary source of Jackson's chameleons for the exotic pet trade in the United States, but exports from Hawaii are now illegal.[4] This has been done to prevent opportunists from willfully establishing further feral animal populations to capture and sell them.[13]
        This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2010)
    A Jackson's chameleon at the Wellington Zoo

    Jackson's chameleons are sometimes called three-horned chameleons because males possess three brown horns: one on the nose (the rostral horn) and one above each superior orbital ridge above the eyes (preocular horns), somewhat reminiscent of the ceratopsid dinosaur genus Triceratops. The females generally have no horns, or traces of the rostral horn (in the subspecies T. j. jacksonii and T. j. merumontanus). The coloring is usually bright green, with some individual animals having traces of blue and yellow, but like all chameleons, they change color quickly depending on mood, health, and temperature.

    These are small to medium-sized chameleons. Adult males reach up to 38 cm (15 in) and females up to 25 cm (10 in), but more typical lengths are 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in).[3] They have a saw-tooth shaped dorsal ridge and no gular crest. They attain sexual maturity after five months. The lifespan is variable, with males generally living longer than females.
    Feeding habits

    Jackson's chameleons live primarily on a diet of small insects. They also prey on centipedes, isopods, millipedes, spiders, lizards, small birds, and snails in their native habitat.[11]
    Invasive species

    There is a threat of devastating impact of introduced invasive Jackson's chameleons to native ecosystems in Hawaii.[11] There were found mainly insect in their stomachs: planthoppers Oliarus, grasshoppers Banza, casebearing caterpillars Hyposmocoma, beetles Oodemas, dragonflies Pantala[11] and others.[13] Holland et al. (2010)[11] proved that they also prey on snails in Hawaii.[11] Their prey include land snails Achatinella, Auriculella, Lamellidea, Philonesia,[11] Oxychilus alliarius.[13] They are swallowing whole snails (including shells).[11] Jackson's chameleons introduced to Hawaii are substantial threat to native biodiversity of invertebrates[13] and serious threat especially to endemic species, such as critically endangered O'ahu tree snails (genus Achatinella).[11][12]

    T. jacksonii is less territorial than most species of chameleons. Males will generally assert dominance over each other through color displays and posturing in an attempt to secure mating rights, but usually not to the point of physical fights.

    Most chameleons are oviparous, but Jackson's chameleon gives birth to live offspring; eight to thirty live young are born after a five- to six-month gestation. The subspecies T. j. merumontanus gives birth to five to ten live young.[citation needed]
    In captivity

    In captivity, Jackson's chameleons require high humidity, and are in general very needy of colder temperatures during the night. Too much heat, or excessive humidity, can cause eye infections and upper respiratory infections in these animals. In captivity, the Jackson's chameleon can be expected to live between five and ten years.[14]

    Boulenger, George Albert. (1896). "Description of a new Chameleon from Uganda". Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Sixth Series 17: 376. (Chamaeleon jacksonii, new species).
    "Trioceros jacksonii ". The Reptile Database.
    Spawls S, Howell K, Drewes RC, Ashe J. (2002). A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibian of East Africa. Academic Press. pp. 227-228. ISBN 0-12-656470-1
    Global Invasive Species Database. (2010). Chamaeleo jacksonii (reptile). Retrieved 16 November 2014.
    Liddell HG, Scott R. (1980). Greek-English Lexicon, Abridged Edition. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-910207-4.
    Le Berre, François; Bartlett, Richard D. (2009). The Chameleon Handbook. Barron's Educational Series. p. 3. ISBN 978-0-7641-4142-3.
    Beolens B, Watkins M, Grayson M. (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Chamaeleo jacksonii, p. 132). entry for "chameleon"
    Waring GH. (1996) Preliminary Study of the Behavior and Ecology of Jackson's Chameleon of Maui, Hawaii. Southern Illinois University. Retrieved 11 November 2014.
    "Jackson's chameleon (Chamaeleo jacksonii )". Hawaii Biodiversity Information Network. Retrieved 2013-09-19.
    Holland BS, Montgomery SL, Costello V. (2010). "A reptilian smoking gun: first record of invasive Jackson’s chameleon (Chamaeleo jacksonii ) predation on native Hawaiian species". Biodiversity and Conservation 19 (5): 1437-1441. doi:10.1007/s10531-009-9773-5.
    Chiaverano LM, Holland BS. (2014). "Impact of an invasive predatory lizard on the endangered Hawaiian tree snail Achatinella mustelina: a threat assessment". Endangered Species Research 24: 115-123. doi:10.3354/esr00589.
    Kraus F, Preston D. (2012). "Diet of the invasive lizard Chamaeleo jacksonii (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) at a wetforest site in Hawaii". Pacific Science 66: 397-404. PDF.

        Exotic Pets section of
  • Liz

    The class pet Jackson's Chameleon
    who goes on most of the field trips with Ms. Frizzle and the students,
    often getting herself into dangerous comedic situations. She appears to
    get jealous when the bus receives more attention than she does. In the
    episode "Gets Ants In Its Pants", she is visibly annoyed and
    disappointed when she does not get the recognition she deserves.

    Liz is mute but often does things that one would not expect from a
    lizard in real life, such as driving the bus. In three of the computer
    games, Liz talks. When she goes to Herp Haven for a brief period her
    packing list includes: claw polish, scale moisturizer and fang paste. If
    Ms. Frizzle has to leave the students for a brief period for any
    reason, or if the class must split up, she leaves Liz in charge, acting
    as a sort of substitute teacher. In "In a Pickle", she is the supposed
    "Judge" in Ms. Frizzle's trial for stealing Keesha's 1st prize
    cucumber/turning it into a pickle (she wears the wig, and the outfit,
    and carries the gavel).

    Liz does not speak on the show, however she speaks in the CD-ROMs
    although it appears that only the viewers can hear her. She is also seen
    at the end of most episodes with the producers of The Magic School Bus.

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    A Dalek runs a Unix terminal emulator in a 2012 version of Microsoft Windows: XTERM IN 8!
  • edited 2015-08-23 03:38:08
    hoping to receive feces from a pretty boy who cooks seafood: fish dish bish tish wish
  • edited 2015-08-23 03:40:19
    a shelf for storing supplies of brine used to push natural gas out of a well situated in what used to be a school's multi-purpose athletic field: track crack frack brack rack
  • edited 2015-08-23 03:43:04
    a lewd magazine, ripped to pieces, containing violence inflicted on maize plants by nettles: thorn-shorn corn porn, torn
  • Richard the stocky's excellent choice of candle material: thick rick's sick wick pick
  • edited 2015-08-23 05:40:45
    cool father's formerly-owned awesome digs: rad dad had mad pad
  • trepidation in speaking up as a witness with video footage of a prisoner who escaped at night by driving a car into a wall: slammer jammer rammer cammer stammer
  • no, it isn't

    and fuck you
  • questions for politicians

    1. Which is the more proper ending to Neon Genesis Evangelion -- episodes 25 and 26, or End Of Evangelion?

    2. Were Homura Akemi's actions right or wrong?

    3. Should Castlevania Legends be canon?

    4. What is your opinion of the game Hatred?

    5. Is Chrono Cross a proper sequel to Chrono Trigger?

    6. What do you think should be a proper copyright term for creative works?

    7. What is your position on the copyright restrictions on derivative works?

    finally, somebody's asking the /important/ questions
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    even if there is no god or buddha

    there is kamen rider
  • "Nosotras son las Gemas de Cristal"
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Huh, the latest version of FBReader has a new icon. I like it well enough, but I liked the simplicity of the old one.
  • the awkwardness of "wrongly" using an adjective as a noun or vice versa is funny
  • the funny of "wrongly" using an adjective as a noun or vice versa is awkwardness
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