The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)



  • Considering this.

    See, this is what happens.

    1. new version update
    2. stuff gets broken
    3. install apps to restore functionality
    4. repeat cycle

    So after a while I ended up with like 10 or 15 add-ons for Firefox.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Good NeWs! I'm making Chagen the Official Super Duper Administrator of GMH's best forum!!!
  • Good NeWs! I'm making Chagen the Official Super Duper Administrator of GMH's best forum!!!

    You're just sour about my not liking Lollipop.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    i'll be your roundabout
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    glennmagusharvey said: Central Avenue said:Good NeWs! I'm making Chagen the Official Super Duper Administrator of GMH's best forum!!!

    You're just sour about my not liking Lollipop.

    Don't make me Narwhal Blast you
  • edited 2015-07-01 18:59:13

    Good NeWs! I'm making Chagen the Official Super Duper Administrator of GMH's best forum!!!

    You're just sour about my not liking Lollipop.
    Don't make me Narwhal Blast you
    i double dare you
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022


    Oops.  I wonder where that Narwhal Blast went.  I think it got stolen along the way.

    this one basically works

    though it's ad-supported and makes me feel unclean

    and it really doesn't work smoothly anyway

    i'm giving this one a second try now
  • i feel a little like haruhi -- installing a bunch of apps and uninstalling them the very same day hour
  • i got that second one to work.

  • gay men eating lobster, shrimp, and crab
  • Phelps explained in 1994 that he considered the negative reaction to the picketing to be proof of his righteousness.[16]

    The negative reactions of the audience is proof of trolls' effectiveness.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

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  • Yeah, congratulations on your stereotyping; you're actually talking to a girl.
  • Control Near Field Communication
  • How come it's so hard for some people to understand that the same term or concept can mean vastly different things to different people?

    For example, "video game" can mean, for various people...
    * Pong
    * Tetris and Pac-Man
    * 8-bit Mario and Mega Man games
    * the cinematics of the Final Fantasy series
    * the infinite possibilities of the world of Minecraft
    * casual downtime gaming with Bejeweled
    * high-speed multiplayer FPS action in Counter-Strike
    * building a snazzy PC with water cooling and expensive graphics cards and multi-monitor setups to run things at 4K
    * coming home from work to enjoy some online Mario Kart
    * violent content, e.g. Grand Theft Auto and Postal
    * token-eating arcade shmups and fighters
    * RPG storytelling
    * DDR
    * something that boys enjoy
    * something that loser geeks enjoy
    * that one hobby that your friend's cousin can't stop yapping about
    * that newfangled thing that all the little kids are playing these days
    * a concerning trend that is drawing kids away from outdoor play and physical activity and contributes to obesity and poor health
    * a medium of addiction/compulsion
    * a medium for customer engagement

    Believe it or not, it's possible for ALL these perspectives to be valid, AT THE SAME TIME.
  • the intersection of "cute girls being really cute" and "cute girls doing awesome things" and is "cute girls"
  • Usagi Tsukino's Rocket Launcher

    fires explosive tiaras
  • edited 2015-07-02 17:11:40
    This is what the lyrics say:

    The sun
    gives off radiation

    This is what the lyrics actually sound like:

    THE SUN!



    gives off radey A shun...
  • "arbitrary" does not mean "not studied", "without basis", "illogical", or "whimsical".

    It just means that a given classification/delineation/definition/etc. is subjective.

    "subjective" does not mean "not studied", "without basis", "illogical", or "whimsical".

    It just means that someone had to make a judgement call at some point, because the classification is fuzzy or otherwise not well-defined.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

  • see

    here's the difference

    you're thinking of videogames as unrealistic abstractions of movie scenes

    i'm thinking of movie scenes as non-interactive stylizations of gameplay sequences
  • it's so much more fun to think of dramatic conflicts as tactical RPG battles and wargames
  • i am proud to have played more videogames than i watched movies, as a child

    it's made my life much better than it would otherwise have been

    representing complexities of a situation in an abstracted, rules-based, representation that is also an interactive simulation

    rather than a single-look, fixed-in-time recounting of a scenario that one has no control over which to truly understand what goes on
  • an equalizer and a common denominator against which all proposals can be evaluated
  • If you become a developer of this free thing, people will demand all sorts of crazy shit from you, in very entitled ways.
  • edited 2015-07-03 22:06:39


  • > Like gta cod tera rift.

    Sorry, "gta cod tera rift" is not a vaild game name.  Please try (learning proper punctuation and grammar) again.
  • > Pls tell me alot ty.

    Pls lrn 2 spell ty.
  • edited 2015-07-04 11:44:29
    why foul words cannot be used interchangeably

    * fuck
    regret/danger: fuck
    intensifier: fucking
    direct insult: fuck you
    vocative insult: fucker, fuck (uncommon, usually with other words)
    dismissal: fuck off, go fuck yourself
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (what) the fuck, holy fuck(ing shit) (by extention of/analogy to "holy shit", rare in shorter form)
    strict meaning: verb: to have sex (not most common usage)
    special: fuck up (cause undesired results), fucked (subjected to very unfavorable circumstances, or expected to be such)
    minced as: screw (sometimes), fudge (rare)

    * ass
    regret/danger: (none, but may be combined with other foul words)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none, but may be combined with other foul words)
    vocative insult: ass (uncommon), pain in the ass
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: bottom/behind (body part) (most common usage)
    minced as: butt, behind, arse (equivalent in UK)

    * asshole
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: asshole (most common usage)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: anus
    special: assholery (actions that an asshole might do, collective noun, uncommon)
    minced as: butthole (rare)

    * damn
    regret/danger: damn, dammit/damnit/damn it, goddamn it/goddammit
    intensifier: damn/damned, goddamn/goddamned
    direct insult: damn you (and variants)
    vocative insult: (none, unless combined with other words)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: condemn/condenmed (verb or adjective) (especially in a religious/spiritual sense) (only used poetically)
    minced as: dang, dangit, dagnabbit, etc.

    * bitch
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: bitch, son of a bitch
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: female dog (rarely used, except for wordplay)
    special: bitch (complain, especially in a disagreeable way, verb), bitching/bitchin' (impressive/desirable, adjective)
    note: often gender-specific or gender-implying
    minced as: (none)

    * shit
    regret/danger: shit (possibly repeated), aww shit, oh shit
    intensifier: (none, except in "chickenshit")
    direct insult: bullshit, horseshit (regarding objects and ideas, but not people)
    vocative insult: shit (uncommon), [quantity noun] of shit (regarding objects and ideas, but not people), shithole (regarding a place)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (what) the shit (is this?), holy shit
    strict meaning: defecate (verb), feces (noun)
    special: shit (stuff/things, collective noun, sometimes derogatory, sometimes self-deprecating), shit (lie to/exaggerate/kid, verb, usually in present participle (shitting)), shit on (speak ill of/rag on, verb, in analogy to strict meaning), shitty (of poor quality, adjective, in analogy to strict meaning), the shit (something desirable in a positive way, collective noun, sometimes minced as "the shiznit")
    note: frequently combined with other words
    minced as: crap, shiz (rare)

    * hell
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: hell (regarding a place or situation, especially but not necessarily one that is literally hot, by analogy with strict meaning)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (what) the hell
    strict meaning: a condition or location of the afterlife that is believed to be unpleasant and/or the punishment or gathering of evil entities such as demons, often depicted as fiery
    note: often considered acceptable (especially when used in literary or religious/spiritual contexts), used in adjective form "hellish"
    minced as: heck, "H E double hockey sticks" (juvenile/uncommon)

    * dick
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: dick
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: penis
    special: dick around (mess around), dickish (adjective form)
    note: sometimes gender-specific/gender-implying, common abbreviation of the name "Richard", archaic slang for "detective"
    minced as: Dickens (uncommon)

    * cunt
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: cunt
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment (none)
    strict meaning: vagina
    note: often gender-specific/gender-implying
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
  • the moon is made of green cheese
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    You forgot "fuckin' A" as well as "cocksucker", "motherfucker", "tits" and all UK-specific swears

    also several of those can be more versatile than you implied, you just have to be creative

    "dickens" isn't a minced form of "dick", btw, or a reference to the author; it's an archaic euphemism for "devil", which can also be a swear word
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    . . . i know far too much about this
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    why foul words cannot be used interchangeably

    * fuck
    regret/danger: fuck
    intensifier: fucking
    direct insult: fuck you
    vocative insult: fucker, fuck (uncommon, usually with other words)
    dismissal: fuck off, go fuck yourself
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (what) the fuck, holy fuck(ing shit) (by extention of/analogy to "holy shit", rare in shorter form)
    strict meaning: verb: to have sex (not most common usage)
    special: fuck up (cause undesired results), fucked (subjected to very unfavorable circumstances, or expected to be such)
    minced as: screw (sometimes), fudge (rare)

    * ass
    regret/danger: (none, but may be combined with other foul words)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none, but may be combined with other foul words)
    vocative insult: ass (uncommon), pain in the ass
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: bottom/behind (body part) (most common usage)
    minced as: butt, behind, arse (equivalent in UK)

    * asshole
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: asshole (most common usage)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: anus
    special: assholery (actions that an asshole might do, collective noun, uncommon)
    minced as: butthole (rare)

    * damn
    regret/danger: damn, dammit/damnit/damn it, goddamn it/goddammit
    intensifier: damn/damned, goddamn/goddamned
    direct insult: damn you (and variants)
    vocative insult: (none, unless combined with other words)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: condemn/condenmed (verb or adjective) (especially in a religious/spiritual sense) (only used poetically)
    minced as: dang, dangit, dagnabbit, etc.

    * bitch
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: bitch, son of a bitch
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: female dog (rarely used, except for wordplay)
    special: bitch (complain, especially in a disagreeable way, verb), bitching/bitchin' (impressive/desirable, adjective)
    note: often gender-specific or gender-implying
    minced as: (none)

    * shit
    regret/danger: shit (possibly repeated), aww shit, oh shit
    intensifier: (none, except in "chickenshit")
    direct insult: bullshit, horseshit (regarding objects and ideas, but not people)
    vocative insult: shit (uncommon), [quantity noun] of shit (regarding objects and ideas, but not people), shithole (regarding a place)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (what) the shit (is this?), holy shit
    strict meaning: defecate (verb), feces (noun)
    special: shit (stuff/things, collective noun, sometimes derogatory, sometimes self-deprecating), shit (lie to/exaggerate/kid, verb, usually in present participle (shitting)), shit on (speak ill of/rag on, verb, in analogy to strict meaning), shitty (of poor quality, adjective, in analogy to strict meaning), the shit (something desirable in a positive way, collective noun, sometimes minced as "the shiznit")
    note: frequently combined with other words
    minced as: crap, shiz (rare)

    * hell
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: hell (regarding a place or situation, especially but not necessarily one that is literally hot, by analogy with strict meaning)
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (what) the hell
    strict meaning: a condition or location of the afterlife that is believed to be unpleasant and/or the punishment or gathering of evil entities such as demons, often depicted as fiery
    note: often considered acceptable (especially when used in literary or religious/spiritual contexts), used in adjective form "hellish"
    minced as: heck, "H E double hockey sticks" (juvenile/uncommon)

    * dick
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: dick
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment: (none)
    strict meaning: penis
    special: dick around (mess around), dickish (adjective form)
    note: sometimes gender-specific/gender-implying, common abbreviation of the name "Richard", archaic slang for "detective"
    minced as: Dickens (uncommon)

    * cunt
    regret/danger: (none)
    intensifier: (none)
    direct insult: (none)
    vocative insult: cunt
    dismissal: (none)
    surprise/confusion/bewilderment (none)
    strict meaning: vagina
    note: often gender-specific/gender-implying

  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    also the non-vulgar meaning of "bitch" is still in common use i think

    mainly by dog-breeders but still
  • edited 2015-07-04 20:55:52
    fucking with meaning:

    Q: "Are you in the boy scouts?"

    A: "No."

    can mean

    A: "No, but I'm in the girl scouts."
    A: "I'm too old to be in the boy scouts."
    A: "No, but I used to be."
    A: "I used to be."
    A: "No, but I was a cub scout."
    A: "I was a cub scout once."
    A: "No, I'm a cub scout."
    A: "They're not available in my country."

    Thou may suggest in different directions, or not suggest at all.  'tis fun.

    Sometimes you may refrain from suggesting one thing, just to see how the other person reacts and thus deduce what the other person used to fill in the blank.  'tis also fun.
  • being confusing as fuck >D
  • an RPG where the protagonists are associated with non-Judeo-Christian terminology/symbolism/mythological tradition and the antagonists are associated with Judeo-Christian terminology/symbolism/mythological tradition

    an RPG where the protagonists are associated with terminology/symbolism/mythological "tradition" of stories created in the last thirty years and the antagonists are associated with long-standing terminology/symbolism/mythological tradition (such as Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman, and Norse mythologies)
  • when cannot turn the tables in this universe, turning the tables in a different universe
  • kiddy grade x karol szymanowski
  • Why would I tell more people my social security number and credit card information so they can allegedly protect it?
  • image
    Don't mess with him. He's got contacts in Burger King.
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