The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)



  • edited 2015-06-30 13:54:05
    does Numb3rs the Musical contain musical numbers?
  • lah dee dah
    lah dee dee
    it's so magical'll see
  • magucal musical magical mystery tour
  • Weiss sKreuz

    "No I don't!"
  • tamlinson tomlinson timpkins CFL
  • edited 2015-06-30 13:58:40
    Combined Fluorescent Legiiting
  • Weiss sKreuz

    "No I don't!"

    this is a pun that ruby might make
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
  • I play a game to let the game guide me to new sights and sounds and adventure.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022



  • Rather than to dick around and fuck with people.
  • be they NPCs or other players
  • I'm okay with linearity in games.





  • This shit-raising about Lost Cause of the Confederacy is a flamewar that has been going for literally one hundred and fifty years now.
  • yeah an actual war that people died in is defs just a really long "flamewar"
  • edited 2015-07-01 02:32:32

    yeah an actual war that people died in is defs just a really long "flamewar"

    Wow, that was a fast response.  29 seconds after my own post went up.

    Uh, no.  Note that I said literally 150 years.  2015-150 = 1865, so I'm talking about _after_ the war.  And I'm basically saying that it's people who are griping about the outcome 150 years after the dust settled.

    Yes, there was the Reconstruction period, and there were Jim Crow laws, and there was Plessy v. Ferguson that stood for about fifty years until Brown v. Board of Education.  But since then we've had Brown v. Board, we've had the integration of various civil institutions, the civil rights movement and its resulting legislation, including the Voting Rights Act, and various nondiscrimination laws.

    The Civil War is supposed to be the stuff of historians and re-enacters, not continued griping by modern-day politicians as an excuse to engage in demagoguing rhetoric fantasizing about pulling civil rights back to the dark ages.
  • edited 2015-07-01 02:33:38
     /me imagines the sort of flamewar that would result if someone wrote in a major magazine an article called "The Confederacy Is Over"
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    is that a thing people would seriously dispute?

  • edited 2015-07-01 02:35:16
    I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

     /me imagines the sort of flamewar that would result if someone wrote in a major magazine an article called "The Confederacy Is Over"

    TV Guide must publish this article

    It would return the magazine to the zeitgeist in no time
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Tachyon said:


    is that a thing people would seriously dispute?


    The South will rise again lololol
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tachyon said:


    is that a thing people would seriously dispute?


    You'd be surprised.

    People would say it's pissing on Southern heritage or some nonsense like that.
  • edited 2015-07-01 02:49:41
    Tachyon said:


    is that a thing people would seriously dispute?


    read, and weep if desired
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    sounds unamerican to me
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    unamerican, all of them
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    before anyone points out that i have no right whatsoever to say that *points to what thread this is*
  • the irony is that these sorts of folks are probably the same kinds of folks who crow about how much they support traditional american values against the insinuations and machinations of liberals, progressives, environmentalists, gays, atheists, muslims, communists, the united nations, etc.

    alternatively, "we were enjoying living in our bubble, and you had to come and pop it, and that's why we have a right to be angry at you and give you shit"
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    Tachyon said:

    before anyone points out that i have no right whatsoever to say that *points to what thread this is*

    i don't think anyone was gonna call you out on that for the simple reason that you're not wrong
  • regular rain

    not as exciting as dragon rain, but still cool nonetheless
  • hey, here's another pun that trivializes a very serious subject

    did you know that the rain starting has a chilling effect on people's complaints about a really hot day?
  • I've heard that mangos are slightly acidic, unlike amines.
  • but the deputy wasn't
  • I don't know what you're trying to imply, but I never used that word anyway, so whatever you're trying to imply is moot.
  • > Spycrab gambling

    What I thought it was: a challenge of getting through an entire map with actual gameplay going on and the first person to do so while constantly in spycrab pose is the winner.

    What it actually is: randomly trigger spycrab pose while taunting, winner is based on that.

    seriously why

    it's not just a game of chance
    it's a DUMB game of chance
    there are more fun ways to do this
    but noooo
    it had to be the stupidest possible way
  • > auto start on boot

    No, don't do that; that's mean and unsanitary.
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch

    Tachyon said:

    before anyone points out that i have no right whatsoever to say that *points to what thread this is*

    i don't think anyone was gonna call you out on that for the simple reason that you're not wrong

    i feel like if i was from the Southern US, irrespective of my feelings on the flag, i wouldn't want to hear that from a foreigner, and certainly not a Brit
  • edited 2015-07-01 12:29:00
    Upgrading from KitKat to Lollipop:

    1. Memo has been upgraded to QuickMemo+, which cannot be displayed as a 2x2 feature on the home screen with memo pad preview.

    2. Weather can no longer be displayed as a 2x2 feature, either.

    3. Having multiple lock screens, the main one of which showed the time prominently, and swiping to one side brought up the camera and swiping to the other side brought up the weather app (without unlocking), doesn't work.  Lock screen now has small clock at the top plus notifications.

    4. Selection of unlock effects/sounds has changed.  However, just like before, there is no option to select none of them -- most generic one still seems to be more visually complex though.

    5. System options menus' visual style has changed.

    6. The list of active apps is non longer brought up by holding the home button -- instead, it is brought up by holding the menu button.  Holding the home button only seems to reset the screen? 

    7. Visual Voicemail is now HUGE when using font size "Maximum".

    8. List of active apps looks different, looking less neat and easy to clear without scrolling.  In fact, clearing all apps on it and then reopening reveals MORE apps that haven't been cleared.

    #3, #6, and #8 are the most severe problems.

    Conclusion: I should not have updated.
  • edited 2015-07-01 12:34:48
    Honestly, the unclearable notifications on the lock screen just ruin the background I had set on it.

    Having a digital clock with thin lines was nice.

    Go away, notifications.  I don't want you here.
  • Actually, holding home now just blanks the screen.  wut
  • Well so apparently I can get the notifications off the lock screen with a setting change.  Fair enough.

    Still can't bring up my camera from the lock screen, or change the clock style.  I guess I'll have to swap out one of the lock screen apps.  At least the clock is a neat digital clock with thin lines.  Not as big as the old one though.
  • edited 2015-07-01 12:49:44
    How do I change the style of the main icons again?  The new messaging icon looks too much like the old contacts icon.
  • Every time I have an interface upgrade I find myself scrambling to change things back to the way they were.
  • Well so apparently I can get the notifications off the lock screen with a setting change.  Fair enough.

    Not so fast, bucko!

    Doing this clears the notifications from the lock-screen DROP DOWN MENU as well.  So, no more seeing who the e-mail was from without swiping to unlock the phone.
  • 9. I no longer have the whimsical pink/orange keyboard theme.

    10. I need to recustomize my custom buttons.  There used to be two of them that I mapped to comma and slash.  Now it defaults back to one and it's a period.  Let me see if I can fix that.
  • edited 2015-07-01 14:27:07

    9. I no longer have the whimsical pink/orange keyboard theme.

    10. I need to recustomize my custom buttons.  There used to be two of them that I mapped to comma and slash.  Now it defaults back to one and it's a period.  Let me see if I can fix that.

    #10: Yes, I can.

    11. It sets text prediction, emoticon suggestions, and spell checker back on.  Gonna turn these off as well.  Thankfully, it didn't re-enable auto-capitalization.
  • Setting the home button action:

    This doesn't appear on my phone though.  Thankfully, I am in line for a tech support call.
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