The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)




    AGS is unfun garbage

    Anime and Gaming Society is unfun garbage

    it's funny to think of it this way because that's the name of my school's anime club lolololololololololololololololololololol

    also American Geophysical Society
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Good morning, small-town listeners
    Thimbles coat my fingers
    Feed dogs are jamming up
    The thread comes in tangles
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Antipope still sounds like a kind of pasta sauce.
  • Antipope still sounds like a kind of pasta sauce.

    antipasta + pasta = explosion?
  • A explosion of flavor that erases your entire being.
  • TitleName said:

    A explosion of flavor that erases your entire being.

    "Taste the Italy."
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    17: O but what of that place -
  • how long until donald trump officially picks a fight with the dead?
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Where did we meet before just like this
    I know your smile
    Your voice just like that
    You talk to me and I smile right back
    I don't believe in fantasy
    Same dress, same smell reminds me
    Something I can't forget
    Same song same tone in your voice
    Tell me this isn't a dream

    Take me far where the stars are still asleep
    You and me, we'll live forevermore
    I will follow you my destiny
    Won't you get my favorite photograph
    I'm getting played by you
    Deja vu

    I saw the sparkles in your eyes
    Your soothing words make me feel alive
    I would be glad to stay in sight
    Let's play into this mystery
    Same words as if this is the first time
    As if I'm stuck in a loop
    I'm lost in sweet illusion
    Turn me into sensation

    Take me far where the stars are still asleep
    You and me, we'll live forevermore
    I will follow you my destiny
    Won't you get my favorite photograph
    I'm getting played by you
    Deja vu

    Where did we meet before just like this
    I know your smile
    Your voice just like that
    You talk to me and I smile right back
    I don't believe in fantasy
    Same dress, same smell reminds me
    Something I can't forget
    Same song same tone in your voice
    Tell me this isn't a dream

    Take me far where the stars are still asleep
    You and me, we'll live forevermore
    I will follow you my destiny
    Won't you get my favorite photograph
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • depressed socrates (still a hospital patient)
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    18: - the sky, the sky, the deepless blooming black -
  • a good game rec would be wasted on this dolt
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • sir, i think it's a bit pointless for me to watch a video that tells me about how much asterisk war sucks, because i think i fundamentally agrees with the reasons for why it sucks, but i am interested in continuing my journey with the story despite those reasons.  by repeating those reasons, you are not introducing new factors that could rather easily sway my opinion, but rather you are attempting to further emphasize factors that i have already accounted for, and hoping that an increased emphasis on those factors makes them more able to win a tug-of-war.
  • also you can't hate this

  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...

    sir, i think it's a bit pointless for me to watch a video that tells me about how much asterisk war sucks, because i think i fundamentally agrees with the reasons for why it sucks, but i am interested in continuing my journey with the story despite those reasons.  by repeating those reasons, you are not introducing new factors that could rather easily sway my opinion, but rather you are attempting to further emphasize factors that i have already accounted for, and hoping that an increased emphasis on those factors makes them more able to win a tug-of-war.

    If you mean digibro, he has transcripts of all his videos on his blog.
  • Crystal said:

    sir, i think it's a bit pointless for me to watch a video that tells me about how much asterisk war sucks, because i think i fundamentally agrees with the reasons for why it sucks, but i am interested in continuing my journey with the story despite those reasons.  by repeating those reasons, you are not introducing new factors that could rather easily sway my opinion, but rather you are attempting to further emphasize factors that i have already accounted for, and hoping that an increased emphasis on those factors makes them more able to win a tug-of-war.

    If you mean digibro, he has transcripts of all his videos on his blog.
    Where's his blog?
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
  • also you can't hate this

    I'll prove show you then. :v
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • Best Pic here. 11/10
  • I play a lot of Russian piano music.

    That doesn't mean I am sympathetic to Vladimir Putin.

    I play a lot of German piano music.

    That doesn't mean I like the Nazis.

    I enjoy Cuban food.

    That doesn't mean I'm a communist.

    So I play Japanese games.

    That doesn't mean I endorse Japanese geopolitics.

  • so you have one bunch of people on one hand going "UGH SO ANIME AND WEEB" and another bunch of people on the other hand going "NO JP VOICE NO BUY"

    the hell with all y'all
  • paint.tif

    the local version of cans.wav
  • edited 2016-08-02 16:01:46
    Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    Ugh so anime and weeb, if it's dubbed I won't buy it.
  • edited 2016-08-02 16:02:17
    Crystal said:

    Ugh so anime and weeb, if it's dubbed I won't buy it.

    buy, buy, miss american pie

    took a chevy to the levee by the levee was DYED BRIGHT ORANGE LELELELELELELELELELELE
  • edited 2016-08-02 18:29:23
    "Life was always better in that small town where...everything was better, because it was better.  Like, it's so much better, it's nothing like this.  Like, seriously, trust me, that small town was better.  Just better."
  • edited 2016-08-02 18:29:28

    "Life was always better in that small town where...everything was better, because it was better.  Like, it's so much better, it's nothing like this.  Like, seriously, trust me, that small town was better.  Just better."

    "See, you can't walk out the door here without meeting a Mexican or a gay guy or a feminazi or an atheist or an anime fan or some git glued to his cell phone."

    "Wait, that small town only contained one pub and one church and no job opportunities?  You're lying."
  • edited 2016-08-02 18:30:16

    "Life was always better in that small town where...everything was better, because it was better.  Like, it's so much better, it's nothing like this.  Like, seriously, trust me, that small town was better.  Just better."

    "See, you can't walk out the door here without meeting a Mexican or a gay guy or a feminazi or an atheist or an anime fan or some git glued to his cell phone."

    "Wait, that small town only contained one pub and one church and no job opportunities?  You're lying."
    "--YOU LIE!!"
  • Joe Fucking Wilson

    see this is how these people are closet gays

    because they need "fucking" in their names so they fuck their last name

    or something like that

    that didn't even make sense lol

    but it don't matter to them anyway

  • buy, buy, miss american pie

    "That was my impression of American advertising."

    ~ Mario's Head
  • the entirety of Death Note, dubbed in Spanglish
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Odradek said:

    • Crazy Awesome: Despite sounding like a stroke victim with a mouthful of Big League Chew, Plinkett still manages to formulate brilliant, coherent, and often flawless arguments against the movies he reviews. He has an unerring eye for plot holes, Out of Character moments, character flaws, and deducing the overall coherence of a movie's plot.
      • He also can put out some good vocal imitations, including an unnervingly close impression of Darth Sidious's voice.
        "I don't jump sharks. I fuck them for breakfast."
      • The Revenge of the Sith review has a particularly effective sequence where he compares the prequels toCitizen Kane in terms of their character arcs and story structure... and the comparison actually works.
    • Crosses the Line Twice: Pretty much every single thing Plinkett says that is not related to filmmaking falls directly under this category.
      • Plinkett destroying his TV while watching an Olsen Twins movie deserves special mention. The specifics of that incident will give you nightmares.
      • Subverted and Inverted with the Micheal Vick joke in Cop Dog. Mr. Plinkett's innocuous explanation behind itonly makes it funnier.
      Mr. Plinkett: Who's this dog's trainer, Michael Vick? Did you get that joke? It's because Michael Vick would often throw passes that would go well ahead of the intended receiver...
    • Crowning Music of Awesome: Tell me you don't nod your head to the hip-hop song at the end of his reviewsimage.
    • Dude, Not Funny!: The masturbation scene near the beginning of the "Crystal Skull" review; the main problem was that it showed actual footage of the (then-preadolescent) Olsen twins while Plinkett (graphically) jacked off to them.
      • Crosses the Line Twice. And it happens. Often.
      • Some people have trouble getting into his reviews for this reason.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    You should be terrified that people, who, like Hamilton, run our country...

    Finish the sentence, kids!
  • Aliroz said:

    You should be terrified that people, who, like Hamilton, run our country...

    Finish the sentence, kids! a musical
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Drec drnayt ymuha fahd uh vun ypuid dfu bykac ypuid ed, drah dneat du mehg res yc y bibbad uv YmbryUsakyCeh un frydajan. Drah ra fyc vaydinat eh y jetau dryd fyc crynat eh dra drnayt ypuid "syhpypeac" rydehk dra haf Krucdpicdanc. Ajah druikr Zysac teth'd ajah pnehk ib dra kahtan ycbald yc y bnupmas fedr dra sujea. Silr mega sucd uv dra udran hakydeja najeafc. 
    Lusbyna drec du dra nalahd Cdyn Fync. Dra Vunla Yfygahc fyc yh ysywehk sujea yht knayd najejym du y cdykhyhd vnyhlreca dryd puucdat dra nabnacahdydeuh uv fusah yht sehunedeac eh mayt numac. Ypnysc ryc ymfyoc ynkiat vun tejancedo xiudyc frah lycdehk rec bnuzaldc - drec kuac ymm dra fyo pylg du Mucd (frelr E's cdemm yh ybumukecd vun, ycrysatmo). E ymcu ryja essahca nacbald vun Ypnysc palyica ra ytsedc frah ra'c fnuhk - ra ybumukewat ypuid ujanicehk mahc vmynac, ra ytseddat dryd biddehk Ymela Aja eh ran ihtanfayn eh Cdyn Dnag: Ehdu Tynghacc fyc caqecd yht ihhalaccyno, yht ra'c paah jano nalabdeja du dra lnedelecsc uv DVY. Byim Vaek, uh dra udran ryht, nuidehamo tuipmac tufh frah vylat fedr lnedelecs, yht lmaynmo tuach'd ihtancdyht dra bnulacc uv vemssygehk yc silr yc Ypnysc (eh cbeda uv dra myddan'c syho vyimdc yht bymbypma Cbeampank-ahjo).
    Tejancedo eh vems ec y caneuic eccia. Dugahecs ec y caneuic eccia. Baubma talnoehk vemsc fedr tejanca lycdc yc "byhtanehk" un "pufehk du dra BL bumela" ec yh eccia. Drana'c hu naycuh Krucdpicdanc lyh'd ryja vuin vasyma maytc. Dra vencd uha ryt vuin syma maytc. Ed'c knayd dryd draca dymahdat fusah lyh veht fung yht aqbucina eh yh ehticdno tusehydat po sah. Yht oad dra cdemm tacanja paddan dryh drec. Yht o'ymm yna vuumehk ouincamjac ev oui tuh'd drehg y nidrmacc lunbunydeuh mega Cuho lyh lu-ubd vasehecd lnedelecs du ica yc y pmitkauhehk litkam du syngad y sateulna sujea. Ed'c dra cysa cred yc "Aclyba Vnus Dusunnuf" lmyesehk dryd ed'c dra "sujea Techao tuach'd fyhd oui du caa!" Drao fana vaatehk esykehyno luhdnujanco vun bipmeledo. Tet drao aht ib yddnyldehk dra ena uv y pihlr uv credrayt SNYc mega Yinehe yht cilr? Cina. Vilg druca kioc. Vilg draen secukoho. Yd dra aht uv dra tyo, fryd oui'na mavd fedr ec y creddo sujea yht y pihlr uv syhivyldinat tnysy dryd lybdejydat dfu aqdnasa cetac vun vnaa bipmeledo.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    secotm:  “ agoodcartoon:  “ worldwide chaos aside the brexit might be my favorite thing for cartoons  ”  I have an unexplainable love of Piglet with a mustache.  ”
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    N i c e.
  • edited 2016-08-03 00:19:44
    Crystal said:

    N i c e.

    where is this bidirectional writing meme from

    and how is it supposed to be pronounced?
  • Munch munch, chomp chomp...
    I forgot haha.
  • edited 2016-08-03 00:22:36

    should the word be pronounced twice?
    if so, should there be a pause between them?
    do they share the same tone?  if not, which one is higher?
    should the first letter be pronounced twice?  what if the first letter is part of a blend?
  • like is it "NICEice"?  or "NICE.  nice."?  or just "Nice."?  or "NiceNice."?  or "NICEnice."?  Or "Niiccee." (as in taking longer to pronounce everything but the first letter)?
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