The Landfill of the Heapers' Hangout (contains Fossilmaiden's Punnery)



  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    Amnyasia: A Pusheen for Pigs
    1 AM DEEP THOUGHTS: If your waifu is always trash, does this mean that your favorite harem anime is a garbage fire?
    Oh lordy
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Okay guys, remember, tomorrow, God is technically dead so you can sin as much as you want without it effecting your overall record. You are still susceptible to the laws of man and lingering feelings of guilt and shame, though.

    I think that's how Christianity works, and I see no reason to check.
  • the Size Color Noun

    for example:
    the Great Orange Satan
    the Great White Hope
    the Little Blue Planet
  • edited 2016-03-28 23:45:21
    fight. dream. horse. love.
    this is dedicated to all those

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    at this point i assume that anyone making that comparison actually supports it when you do the aryan/jew substitution
  • sleek, powerful dragon girls
  • sleek, powerful mathematical models
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat

    sleek, powerful dragon girls

  • edited 2016-03-31 04:32:48
    Eastern Europeans are going on a sleigh ride with Hugh!  Film at 11.
  • leading a boycott of the world's leading marble collector
  • strongly criticized the president on the issue of lackadaisical reforms
  • ultimately turned the tide using a barrage of
  • and after an entire evening's worth of fudge,
  • in the Sky is the best place to find a philosopher who will agree that
  • Eastern Europeans are going on a sleigh ride with Hugh!  Film at 11.

    leading a boycott of the world's leading marble collector

    strongly criticized the president on the issue of lackadaisical reforms

    ultimately turned the tide using a barrage of

    , Ph.D.

    and after an entire evening's worth of fudge,

    in the Sky is the best place to find a philosopher who will agree that

    Y'know the succession of these kinda feels like Sans's starting-and-stopping attack.
  • three cookies in a row, or else they will go in the
  • (A) the song of Saya
    (B) the song of the South
  • #inappropriatethingstojuxtapose

    Syrian Civil War
    egg salad sandwich
    historical presence of child pornography on Reddit
    Avery-brand office products
    sweatshops in third-world countries
    Robin (Batman character)
    mint chocolate chip ice cream
    Donald Trump
    your local Burger King
    "It's The End Of The World"
    fingering (multiple definitions)
    racial profiling
    The Asterisk War
    third-trimester abortions
    Final Fantasy XV
  • note: the entire point of the above post was to write next to each other things that should not be written next to each other

    there is no other point to the above post, so please don't try to read one into it
  • okay fine, there was one more point, which was just to do a general "fuck you" to common decency but specifically in such a strange a convoluted way that it is self-defeating
  • honestly though it's nice to have a place to where it's considered appropriate to talk about anything at all, no matter how disgusting, and acceptable to actually have a substantial and meaningful conversation on it
  • it's the frustration about not being able to do that that sometimes makes me want to break topics open
  • it's like

    if i plaster the walls with many instances of a picture of someone's middle finger

    after a while you should become desensitized to it

    and that should destroy even the meaning of offensiveness

    rendering the offensive inoffensive
  • ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|.. ..|..
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  • it's fun to be an ally on an issue for a different reason

    sometimes for the wrong reason

    for example

    "I hate all these games Steam tries to throw at us with these new page features, they're often unfitting and sometimes offensive, and they just cause page bloat"
    "I support your proposal because I hate pages that load endlessly"
  • a dramatic and quickly-changing landscape of shifting alliances
  • a dramatic and quickly-changing landscape of shifting alliances

    final fantasy iv but in real life?
  • There was once a guy who liked fake breasts. He had the support of the political establishment, but lost his chess title because his shoes were two sizes too small.
  • The little dog laughed upon seeing the spoon, and uttered a curse that resounded with wild abandon through the school. "Gingerbread ale! Gingerbread ale for tulips!" he cried. With one fell swoop, the turnip was secured.
  • Frankenstein's shitpost
  • This bear has been embedded in the Khmer Rouge for over 30 years. As a reward for pirating an Erasure album, it is granted the true meaning of the Rosetta Stone.
  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
    revolutionary new genre called lolicon
  • Tre said:

    Amazon made a Dash button to get Trojans and I'm laughing

    this phrase

    "dash button" is a thing in videogames
    "trojan" has multiple meanings, including the people from the ancient city of Troy as well as the computer malware term

    so someone made a button that causes one's character to dash but instead it turns out the game is malware that installs trojans
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    In conclusion, gamergate, sad and rabid puppies, multiple mass shootings, and Trump 2016 could all have been avoided if we had just banned Tongpu when I said so.
  • Odradek said:

    In conclusion, gamergate, sad and rabid puppies, multiple mass shootings, and Trump 2016 could all have been avoided if we had just banned Tongpu when I said so.

    o/` BLAME CANADA o/`
  • did you know that I can count to G?
  • i can't count to purple backwards though.
  • medium-sized neutral shrimp
  • edited 2016-04-03 23:55:15
    how to know you're a politics geek:

    someone writes AI Core and you misread that as Al Gore

    or actually not, because Al Gore is pretty well-known
  • what on earth is an Al Core anyways
  • Albert Core, U of M scientist who made a tasty apple or something
  • image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    not al
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