Khans of Heaperia

edited 2014-05-24 00:09:46 in General
So on a history test I was asked to name that famous Mongol leader and I wrote down "Genghis" but I couldn't remember the title part of his name so I just put "Genghis something" and then when I got the test back the teacher wrote the correct answer and took off five points for it and that's why I didn't get an A on the exam and then I yelled


So I was being interviewed by a major newspaper who wanted a critic's perspective on some movies and I was talking about a movie that had premiered at this film festival in France but I just couldn't think of the name and I totally embarrassed myself in front of the press because I called it "this famous film festival in France" and then when I got home I remembered the name so I kicked myself and I yelled


So I once shared office space with this famous Yale Law professor and I once played a prank on him by squirting hot sauce on his lunch and he retaliated the next week by dumping a whole jar full of mustard on mine and so when I went to the office fridge to get my lunch and I opened it up and found it was all covered in a horrid yellow mess I yelled



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