A Music Discussion Heap of The Heapers' Hangout Forum [NO EMBEDS]



  • My dreams exceed my real life

    he does not get Miley Cyrus

    I never knew there was something to "get" about Miley Cyrus because it's all pretty apparent, but he doesn't
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Anyway, I recently found out John Congleton is still doing The Paper Chase style music along with producing, and that makes me happy

  • The History of Electronic Music

    01. David Tudor - Neural Synthesis No. 8
    02. Kenneth Gaburo - Dante's Joynte
    03. James Tenney - Phases (For Edgard Varèse)
    04. Iannis Xenakis - Concret P-H II
    05. Carter Scholz - Lattice
    06. Timothy Oesau - Angola du Sons
    07. Hideko Kawamoto - Night Ascends from the Ear Like a Butterfly
    08. Michel Philippot - Étude III
    09. Pierre John Croset - Danse pour une paix interieure
    10. Andrew Lewis - Time and Fire
    11. Marc Barreca - Messier Crosses the Blue Line
    12. John Cage - Fontana Mix
    13. Bernard Parmegiani - Exercisme 3
    14. Ron Nagorcka - Mood from Lake Mungo
    15. Terry Riley - Persian Surgery Dervishes: Performance Two, Part 2
    16. Larry Polansky - Horn
    17. Deep Listening Band - Nike
    18. Richard Power - Zoometry
    19. Thomas DeLio - Pine, Bamboo, Plum
    20. Phil Burk - Squiggle
    21. Jesse Guessford - ENVolve.2
    22. Salvatore Martirano - The SalMar Construction, Part 1
    23. John Bischoff - Silent Theater
    24. Georg Katzer - Bevor Ariadne kommt (Rondo)
    25. Steven Miller - Postlude: Element 3 - Prana
    26. Kazuo Uehara - Sohgu II
    27. Trevor Wishart - Vox 1
    28. İlhan Mimaroğlu - Agony
    29. Mary Lee Roberts - winter cranes
    30. Mamoru Fujieda - Ecological Plantron
    31. Carla Scaletti - sunSurgeAutomata
    32. Paul DeMarinis - Fonetica Francese
    33. Tod Dockstader - Two Fragments from Apocalypse
    34. Benjamin Grosser - If But Or
    35. Mike Frengel - Long Slender Heels
    36. Thomas Gerwin - Rollenspiel πr²
    37. David Dunn - Autonomous Systems: Red Rocks
    38. Bruno Maderna - Notturno
    39. James Dashow - Whispers Out of Time
    40. Shigenobu Nakamura - Walk
    41. Tim Johnson - Beguine the Begin
    42. Mario Verandi - Figuras Flamencas
    43. Henri Chopin - Double Extension
    44. Paul Lansky - Idle Chatter
    45. Otto Laske - TreeLink
    46. Warren Burt - Antipodean Collection: A Laptop Symphony, Part 7
    47. Sung Ho Hwang - Contrast
    48. Jose Halac - The Breaking of the Scream
    49. Herbert Brün - I toLD YOU so!
    50. Barry Truax - Riverrun
  • edited 2014-10-18 17:07:16

    feel like sharing 'cause I think some of you may be interested >_>

    Yeah, he seems to be getting Miley confused with, I dunno, Lady Gaga. On top of that, he seemes to just not like her; it's as if he wanted virginal Disney princess Miley to never grow up.
  • i just heard Bodies by Drowning Pool for the first time in forever

    man i remember when i was like 13 that song was THE MOST BRUTALEST THING I HAD EVER HEARD like that bit where he does that lead in growly bit blew my fucking mind
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Teaser for a new Taylor Swift/William Bennett collab, obviously.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I can't decide whether Taylor Swift is evolving as an artist or just conforming.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Hey so if I've liked a lot of Mountain Goats songs, but haven't listened to an album other than The Life Of The World To Come, what are some other good albums to go to?
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    The Sunset Tree and Heretic Pride would be good albums to start with.
    I am not a Mountain Goats expert but enjoyed All Hail West Texas when I heard it.
  • edited 2014-10-22 21:30:08
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I haven't heard much of their work despite greatly liking it, but Heretic Pride seems like the logical point of departure. From there you can work your way back—Darnielle's early work is a bit rougher around the edges and way more stripped back, so it's a cool progression.

    Apparently his novel Wolf in White Van is amazing, too.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Despite liking Aesop and liking that remix, I still prefer the original. It's tight and razor-sharp and the final lyric is just amazing: "I feel like Lovecraft in Brooklyn."
    "no trespassers all violators get their tarots pulled" isn't?

    it's less direct I suppose.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Only in the remix.

    In the original song, the last verse is where he goes to buy a knife and "the girl at the checkout asks me how I feel today. I feel like Lovecraft in Brooklyn."
    No, I know what you mean

    I just think they are both equally good ending lines.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    It is a good line, but it feels less final and appropriate to the tenor and theme of the song.
    I disagree if only slightly
  • image

    this is still the best thing
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I wish there was a good compendium for what artists have said and explained about their own songs.
  • fight. dream. horse. love.
    have you tried SongFacts?
  • My dreams exceed my real life

    have you tried SongFacts?

    Oh yeah, SongFacts is alright.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:


    this is still the best thing

    It is an incredibly loud album.
  • edited 2014-10-24 02:16:33


    DR is Dynamic Range (I assume). The min and max are both 0 dB full scale, aka the maximum possible digital level.
  • edited 2014-10-24 02:23:01
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    It's also fairly unusual for a later Prurient album to be that overloaded. Fernow's music is pretty dynamic and textured, and there are usually quiet passages that build into the more extreme sections, but And Still, Wanting... is relentlessly harsh. It's probably the only one of his more melodic albums to go into that territory.
  • returning truth makes my eyes water
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I can imagine.

    Note that the next loudest album on that list is Merzbow's Venereology, which is, again, an unusually brutal album even in the context of his discography.
  • edited 2014-10-24 02:28:13

    i meant like in an emotional way as well as a "ah my ears" way

    it's just really pretty as massive slabs of noise go
    El-P leaked Run The Jewels 2 if anyone here is interested.
  • man i forgot all about that small contingent of people on last.fm with moe avatars who listen to Death in June
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^ I understand. I really need to give that album another listen.

    ^^ I'm intrigued.

    ^ Pfffft.
    Not to get your expectations down, but I like it a lot less than the first album.

    It's just kinda....inconsistent? Both sonically and thematically.

    The rapping is much more scattershot than I'm used to from Mike (and especially from El) and there's a bunch of serious songs (like "Early" which is imo a highlight), but there's also a sex jam with a Gangsta Boo feature. It's a weird album and not necessarily in a good way.
  • rose clouds of sugoi
    rose clouds of kawaii
    rose clouds of bitter
    bitter bitter lies
    and when bakas of ignorance
    fall down from your eyes
    rose clouds of sugoi
    rose clouds of kawaii

    That said the overall consensus seems to be positive, so maybe I'm just a stick in the mud.
    In other rap news, Domo Genesis dropped a new song, which is the first new thing anyone's heard from the OddFuture clique all year.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I haven't even listened to Run The Jewels 1 in its entirety yet.

    Unrelatedly, I think I quite like Watsky.
    Watsky is....something

    dude can rap but it is more a question of whether or not he should be.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    I feel like as long as he doesn't stop affecting the mannerisms of a semi-Jewish white male nerd (which he is), it should be fine.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Is it still leaking if it's the artist doing it?
  • Is it still leaking if it's the artist doing it?

    yes (see: death grips)
    I need something new to listen to, based on what you guys know of my tastes recommend me albums please.

    things I could find on youtube are preferable.
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I'm gonna recommend Fantasma again.

    I have a link to the full album this time.
  • edited 2014-10-24 23:27:05
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Let's see...

    I've already shown you tracks from Soft Machine's Third; you might enjoy their first two albums and their live stuff as well. I'm less familiar with their later work, however, although with a few exceptions most critics agree that it is a mixed bag.

    If you are not familiar with Bad Bad Not Good, acquaint yourself.

    In terms of albums that I think you would at least find interesting, I would recommend Bügsküll's Distracted Snowflake Volume One, Macha's See It Another Way and Angels of Light's How I Loved You. I still need to pass you along some of Windsor for the Derby's early stuff, so I'll try to get on that.

    Also, basically anything on Young God Records before Michael Gira reactivated Swans would be worth a look; despite his formidable reputation, he has a great ear for very low-key, hard-to-classify experimental music of a folky bent. Other back catalogues worth a look: Secretly Canadian, possibly Rough Trade and/or Asthmatic Kitty.

    I will also venture XXL's two albums—basically what Xiu Xiu were doing on La Forêt without Jamie Stewart's vocals and with more instruments—and, way more tentatively, La Forêt itself. It's far less in-your-face than their other albums, and frequently very pretty, but it's no emotional cakewalk.
  • edited 2014-10-25 13:18:37
    [classical music]
    For some reason, I find myself rarely hearing that much of a difference between different performers' interpretations of a piece.  I can hear the differences if I pay attention, but if I don't, they don't typically stand out much.  With the exception of radically different interpretations (e.g. Glenn Gould playing Bach pieces staccato or something).

    At least, this applies to pieces I don't personally know.

    On the other hand, there are some pieces I know well and particularly love, and for _those_ pieces, I can become _intensely_ opinionated about their interpretation.

    But, like, I guess, before something's really touched my heart, I guess the interpretation kinda takes a back seat to the composition?  Unless it's really, really shit.  But even then, it might just sound like something else to me, rather than an unholy corruption of the source material.
  • edited 2014-10-25 13:20:42
    I was going to say the same thing about sound quality, but then I thought about it again, and realized I actually don't mind really shitty sound quality, as long as I'm enjoying that performance of a piece that I really like.

    I'm just very curious about the mental processes behind these two phenonema.
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