A Music Discussion Heap of The Heapers' Hangout Forum [NO EMBEDS]



  • edited 2014-09-28 02:20:22
    shoot, I derped a bit.  the trance descriptor was actually something someone gave me to describe the second song and the song "Synchrogazer".  which are clearly more like that descriptor.

    and yeah, Magia would definitely be rock or metal of some sort, less trance...i think.  i'm not really certain of my way around genre labels anymore...
  • A Music Discussion Heap of The Heapers' Hangout Forum [NO EMBEDS]
    Yes I know I'm anal about this but I like being able to talk about music and reliably load the page at the same time.
  • Sorry about that.  I actually support that idea.  I just forgot about it.  And the forum system's autoparsing Youtube links...
  • i really liked that kalafina song in the context of PMMM but im having a really hard time sitting through it in full as it's own thing

    the guitar riff is very simple and it never really goes anywhere, the orchestration is overbearing and the middle eastern-ish vibes are cheesy

    it sounds very much like soundtrack music designed to create an atmosphere and doesn't feel like a complete thing on it's own at all

    update after 3 minutes i couldn't take it anymore
  • that's harsh im sorry
  • edited 2014-09-28 02:34:36
    Yeah I need to get a good listen to the Kalafina song when I get home.  Not as an ending theme or background theme, and not as something used to combat something playing horribly loudly over the PA system.
  • i think i'd like it much more without the guitar, when i hear it my brain is primed to expect the heaviness level to ramp up and it never comes

    anyways if you want stuff that has the same vibes as that song my dad had this album that i listened to a lot as a little-ish kid, Ishtar's The Voice Of Albania that had similar kinds of orchestration IIRC, though a lot of it was songer-songwriter-y and acoustic and there were nouvelle chanson influences maybe?

    it's been a while
  • And yeah I know what you mean by something feeling cheesy and overdone and not really that interesting as a song.  I can't think of a great example of such a song off the top of my head but I've definitely heard a lot of them.  They feel "gimmicky", for lack of a better word.  Sometimes it just sounds like they're like a ton of interesting ideas crammed into one song.
  • Did you happen to check out the second song, though?
  • lots of j-pop (and some american pop) gives me that same kinda static vibe that i lack the musical vocabulary to express effectively. it feels like while the music does follow a structure and resolves itself neatly it doesn't really go anywhere dynamically speaking, if that makes any sense.
  • i didn't i'll do that in a sec
  • edited 2014-09-28 02:57:45

    im listening to it now

    it has that thing that lots of anime soundtrack music has where it's got a j-pop thing going on but with a bit of metal-style electric guitar fairly unobtrusively in the mix to add more oomf

    the thing is most actual bands with a that sort of guitar work going on build the music around it

    if you don't mind a more guitar-focused sound i'd advise you to check out Blood Stain Child:
  • My dreams exceed my real life
  • is this the kids bop version

    please tell me that there will be a kids bop version
  • Well, I just got back and i'm listening to Forever Free now.

    It's definitely more guitar-focused.  I don't mind this.  Another difference from Meteor Light is that it has less melodic complexity, though that's not something I necessarily dislike, and it's fine here.

    Though I'm not a fan of the screamed/growled vocals.  If they took that out, I would probably like the song more.
  • Interesting that I actually discovered the term "melodic complexity" from Pandora.

    Well, it's not like I didn't notice it before.  I did usually notice that I liked more melodic "figuration" as I'd call it; Pandora just gave me a better name to call it.

    Also unconfirmed but a suggestion from Pandora -- I might have a taste for "vocal harmony", by which I think it just means two or more voices moving together.  I don't really know why it'd call just two voices moving together "harmony", but...whatever.
  • Got a better listen to Magia just now.

    Yeah, it's great for mood-setting but doesn't really have a strong musical narrative itself.

    That said, right now I'm not really in the mood for that sort of song.  I'm in the mood for Bach's Well-Tempered Keyboard at the moment.  So maybe I'll try again later.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Listened to Animal Collective's Strawberry Jam again, and while I continue to understand why they get on some people's nerves... I still love this album, if more after "For Reverend Green". I will give particular credit to "Cuckoo Cuckoo" for nailing exactly what scares and upsets me about death.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Why do British pop stars put on American accents for singing?

    Like there are a bunch of British acts who don't do that.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    They want to sell in America.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Well, to be fair, there's also the weird phenomenon of people who sound like they have a different accent when they sing except for a few very specific words. I elide the "r"s at the ends of my words when I sing sometimes even though they're very clear when I speak.
  • i am listening to Tayi Bebba by Clap! Clap! very much in the vein of the whole awesome tapes from africa/afrobeats thing going on atm but with a heavy juke undertone, very very well put together. recommended if you like dancey/jukey stuff/samples of ancient scratchy african music
  • edited 2014-09-30 09:16:19
    and it has an intriguing 'online story' attached to it, about... an african island thaat floats into space or something? mystic volcanos? sorecerors? its cool http://www.tayibebba.com/
  • ps Goat, everyones favourite rural swedish voodoo-psych world music act, has released a new album "Commune" which im digging
  • Canadian practitioners of noise/hardcore/whatever-you-wanna-call-it KEN Mode also announced the recording of a new record yesterday, with the legendary Steve Albini (High on Fire, Nirvana, etc.). They’re set to enter the studio November 23 to begin tracking Success, which is what they’ve elected to call the new LP. They’ve also handed off mastering duties to Bob Weston, and artwork to Randy Ortiz as well.

    In a statement, Jesse Matthewson described
    as “a decidedly stripped-down northern noise rock apocalypse to be
    unleashed on the world. Time to take this back to our roots”.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ^^^^^ through ^ all garner approval from me.
  • new lawrence english is stunning
  • yeh, stunning: one of those albums i played again straight away. probably lawrence's best work, and blows a lot of the more recent drone ive heard clean out of the water. it has an incredibly fluid quality; the whole album seems to ebb and flow between tracks. very liquid, very reflective, yet somehow tangled, muddled, impossible to quite disentangle anything from it. and beautiful, of course. wilderness of mirrors is right
  • oh and a new kayo dot track. toby driver never rests. it's a 12-minute 80s cyberpunk ballad. gorgeous stuff: http://www.npr.org/blogs/allsongs/2014/09/30/352514340/vikings-choice-kayo-dot-the-mortality-of-doves
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Same label that's distributing HANL now, too.
  • ya the flenser owns + its cool that they picked up basically my two favourite contemporary "rock" acts

    despite this i have never really dug into the rest of their catalogue which is probably something i should do considering how much i love kd/hanl
  • sunn wolf said:

    ya the flenser owns + its cool that they picked up basically my two favourite contemporary "rock" acts

    despite this i have never really dug into the rest of their catalogue which is probably something i should do considering how much i love kd/hanl

    they have stuff from Panopticon, The Botanist and W&R so
  • naney said:
    that song with the CGI-naked-blue-lady-with-a-giant-ass-twerking video is cool
  • edited 2014-09-30 13:42:06
    naney said:

    The Botanist

    ive heard them (him? her? it? zhim?) mentioned so ill start there
  • it's a one man black metal outfit with a hammered dulcimer instead of guitars
  • i am enjoying Flora right now
  • though idk maybe i prefer Lurpak
  • edited 2014-10-01 23:46:28
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    So I'm listening to MC Ride's first group, Fyre, who released some stuff way back in 2000 or so, and you know what's disconcerting? He's the mellowest rapper in the group: His flow is consistently easygoing, a bit on the slow side, and fairly quiet throughout. His lyrics are the weirdest in the crew, to be fair, but he's very laidback.

    The production is also... weirdly vaporwave-y, I kid you not. The one solo track of his I can find (MxlPlx, "Civic Duties") is harder-edged in the beat department, not too far from something on Ex-Military, but it's probably one of his weakest lyrically.
  • they have apparently released 45-50 albums collectively, 14 as a group, and at least 5 Ride solo albums.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Now, that I did not know. Wow.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Waaaaait a minute, Bandcamp is working for me on this computer! Huzzah!
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    Here's a clip of John Cale on a 1960s game show.

    I wonder how he got talked into it.
  • http://venowl.bandcamp.com/album/patterns-of-failure-patterns-in-a-chromatic-field

    the blackened drone doom morton feldman mashup thing you never knew you needed until just now
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I have talked with a lady who has worked with the members of Venowl on Facebook. They seem like an interesting bunch.
  • amusingly literal

    also in case you missed it they dropped a new single last night, the first fan to name all 24 samples in the first track gets a unique piece of merch
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