A Music Discussion Heap of The Heapers' Hangout Forum [NO EMBEDS]



  • I don't really care about their punk cred. I like maybe three punk bands and think the entire idea is kinda ridiculous.

    Also Billy's description of what punk is is one of the funniest, least self-aware things ever.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    ...actually, in retrospect, Green Day aren't that bad. They're just not as interesting as people like to pretend that they are.

    I like some pop punk.

    So there.

    Go listen to the first two Buzzcocks albums. And their singles collection and the Spiral Scratch EP. They are amazing and "I Believe", "Moving Away from the Pulsebeat" and "Why Can't I Touch It?" are literally everything right with long punk songs.
  • i don't care about their punk cred either as i am generally of the opinion that punk is hella lame

    i just find it funny
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    There are good punk bands. It's just that most of them are either boring or made up of people with questionable attitudes.
  • naney said:

    i honestly don't care about technical proficiency

    the ramones sound like they were in a coma

    ay. oh. let's go (take a nap).

    My band planned on covering "I Wanna Be Sedated" in a minor key at half-speed as if we were on the nod.

    Just wanted to throw that out there.
    I really want to hear that now.
  • I like The Clash, The Minutemen, and the one album Minuteflag did, and Minuteflag is The Minutemen + a band I don't like.

    oh wait I liked Zen Arcade too.

    ok so like three and a half punk bands.
  • edited 2014-09-08 15:17:21
    We can do anything if we do it together.

    ...actually, in retrospect, Green Day aren't that bad. They're just not as interesting as people like to pretend that they are.

    It doesn't help that, over time, they started believing their own hype, and now they're one of the most obnoxious bands imaginable.
  • I would also like to state that American Edit is the only possible context in which "Summer of '69" is enjoyable.
  • edited 2014-09-08 15:21:26
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I like The Clash, The Minutemen, and the one album Minuteflag did, and Minuteflag is The Minutemen + a band I don't like.

    oh wait I liked Zen Arcade too.

    ok so like three and a half punk bands.

    You have good taste in punk bands. Not really pop-punk, though: Minutemen and Husker Du were both sort of hardcore bands - Simon Reynolds called them "progressive hardcore" - and The Clash are too diverse to describe in one phrase.

    ^^ Indeed.
  • I didn't say that those were pop-punk.

    In terms of pop-punk bands, I have been known to enjoy some songs by Fall-Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and....I think that's it.

    I hate Panic At The Disco though.
  • also i really cannot stress enough that everyone here should be listening to American Edit right now.

    it's interesting even if you don't really like most of the music being used, just for how it's blended together.
  • oh wait I actually also really like "Lose It" by McFly, but that's mostly for sentimental reasons.

    And that song Forever The Sickest Kids did with Ron Browz is funny, if not all that good.
  • only thing i remember about Husker Du was Bob Mould talking about the twin cities bear scene on NPR
  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    I actually quite like Zen Arcade, too.

    It's one of the very few "adult" punk albums out there, and listening to the album in one sitting has a rather surprisingly pleasant psychedelic effect on the mind.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I didn't say that those were pop-punk.

    In terms of pop-punk bands, I have been known to enjoy some songs by Fall-Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and....I think that's it.

    I hate Panic At The Disco though.

    You could definitely do worse, even if I'm not keen on Fallout Boy.

    naney said:

    only thing i remember about Husker Du was Bob Mould talking about the twin cities bear scene on NPR

    They're sort of like hardcore meets post-punk meets R.E.M., sorta? At least early on. I like them.

    Also Bob Mould is indeed hella gay.
  • I didn't say that those were pop-punk.

    In terms of pop-punk bands, I have been known to enjoy some songs by Fall-Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and....I think that's it.

    I hate Panic At The Disco though.

    You could definitely do worse, even if I'm not keen on Fallout Boy.
    I only like a couple songs by each of those.

    There's a remix of "This Ain't a Scene" that has Kanye West on it, and his verse is him making fun of the band, it's pretty great.
  • "American Life" by Dwele

    there's a song no one's thought about in like a decade.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I think that you should check out The Pop Group's Y, even if you don't like it that much overall. If nothing else, it has some great grooves on it. Also maybe some early emo, and Buzzcocks as previously noted.
  • I don't really know what Emo Music even is.

    I forgot that "Boulevard of Broken Songs" samples "Writing to Reach You", which is one of those songs that makes me cry for no reason.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    On a different note entirely... I find it strange when I hear that people won't listen to music because it scares them. I love music that legitimately scares or unnerves me, assuming that it's not the skeevy sort of unnerving.
  • I think you should realize though that that's unusual.

    For most people fear is an unpleasant emotion, and they don't really like experiencing it.

    Also why horror movies are sort of a niche thing by nature.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I don't really know what Emo Music even is.

    Complicated question.

    I am going to recommend... hmm. What can I recommend? I need to brush up on my old-school stuff that isn't hardcore screamo/skramz/emo violence.
  • edited 2014-09-08 15:36:23

    I don't really care about their punk cred. I like maybe three punk bands and think the entire idea is kinda ridiculous.

    Also Billy's description of what punk is is one of the funniest, least self-aware things ever.

    Out of curiosity, what was his description of punk?

    I like The Clash, The Minutemen, and the one album Minuteflag did, and Minuteflag is The Minutemen + a band I don't like.

    oh wait I liked Zen Arcade too.

    ok so like three and a half punk bands.

    Also, out of curiosity, what about Black Flag did you not like?

    As for my feelings on Punk music, there are bands I like here and there, but I've never been hugely into it and most of the punks bands I do listen to are usually 80s hardcore bands, i.e. The Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, The Minutemen and Bad Brains (though Bad Brains evolved into much more than a Hardcore Punk band). Plus, Hardcore Punk had a big influence on two of my favorite genres of Heavy Metal (Thrash and the various sub-genres of Doom Metal [Black Flag was definitely a huge influence on Sludge Metal]).
    That's really cool. Actually have never heard this.
  • oh and regarding that talk of female vocalists earlier have Som Pluijmers covering Livin' La Vida Loca

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    I think you should realize though that that's unusual.

    For most people fear is an unpleasant emotion, and they don't really like experiencing it.

    Also why horror movies are sort of a niche thing by nature.

    But man, it's about feeling something. Fear is difficult to convey in music, the way that I see it. Lisa Germano's "A Psychopath...", Prurient's "Mask of the Boys", Swans' "The Beautiful Days", Slint's "Don, Aman" - those freak me out. And that's really rare, so I cherish that.
  • I really don't know how to put my dislike of Black Flag beyond they're not my thing. Sorry.

    All I know about BadBrains is that MURS likes them.

    anyway I can't find the exact quote, but I did find this beautiful piece of nonsense.

    Armstrong is an odd guy.
    That's really cool. Actually have never heard this.
    It is really cool!
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:

    oh and regarding that talk of female vocalists earlier have Som Pluijmers covering Livin' La Vida Loca



    Also, out of curiosity, what about Black Flag did you not like?

    As for my feelings on Punk music, there are bands I like here and there, but I've never been hugely into it and most of the punks bands I do listen to are usually 80s hardcore bands, i.e. The Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, The Minutemen and Bad Brains (though Bad Brains evolved into much more than a Hardcore Punk band). Plus, Hardcore Punk had a big influence on two of my favorite genres of Heavy Metal (Thrash and the various sub-genres of Doom Metal [Black Flag was definitely a huge influence on Sludge Metal]).

    Same. I also like some of the quirkier anarcho-punk groups and first wave New York and UK bands.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Shrivel-Up by Devo and the spoken word bit at the end of Wind-Up Toy by Alice Cooper creep me out.

    As does the song "Gas Pedal" but not in a good way

    I have no idea why, because it's kind of just a standard lame rap song, but it gives me serial killer vibes.
  • I think you should realize though that that's unusual.

    For most people fear is an unpleasant emotion, and they don't really like experiencing it.

    Also why horror movies are sort of a niche thing by nature.

    But man, it's about feeling something. Fear is difficult to convey in music, the way that I see it. Lisa Germano's "A Psychopath...", Prurient's "Mask of the Boys", Swans' "The Beautiful Days", Slint's "Don, Aman" - those freak me out. And that's really rare, so I cherish that.

    That's cool and I respect that, but I don't really like being afraid.

    Also a lot of music I've heard described as scary I just kind of find unpleasant to listen to. Which is the point! But again, not my thing.
  • black fag > black flag
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    The Paper Chase could be creepy to some people, but I know the emotional space John Congleton is coming from well enough that it doesn't spook me.
  • mask of the boys more just makes me wanna roll about in a pile of cozy blankets than anything else
  • edited 2014-09-08 15:41:44
    We can do anything if we do it together.
    I like Damaged, and at least admire the ambition behind Black Flag's later output.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    naney said:

    mask of the boys more just makes me wanna roll about in a pile of cozy blankets than anything else

    Mask of the Boys sounds like a boy band that exclusively does reworked Uriah Heep covers.
  • I do really have a soft spot for sad music of specific kinds though (Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska, much of Blue Nile's output, etc.) so I understand where you're coming from.
  • I like Damaged, and at least admire the ambition behind Black Flag's later output.


  • We can do anything if we do it together.
    naney said:

    I like Damaged, and at least admire the ambition behind Black Flag's later output.


    That doesn't count.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    The Paper Chase could be creepy to some people, but I know the emotional space John Congleton is coming from well enough that it doesn't spook me.

    I can see that. That sort of thing goes both ways for me, like with "Don, Aman".

    Also, Congleton produced all of St. Vincent's records and Swans' To Be Kind. He is a boss.
  • maybe it's like an autism thing but harsh noise generally makes me want to just sit around being cozy
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”

    naney said:

    I like Damaged, and at least admire the ambition behind Black Flag's later output.


    That doesn't count.

    I was about to say that.

    Also, no Rollins, no dice. Even the early stuff.
  • man, there's an Ashanti song sampled here.

    This really is of its time.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:

    maybe it's like an autism thing but harsh noise generally makes me want to just sit around being cozy

    Me too.

    But Prurient can freak me out for some reason. "Mask of the Boys" isn't quite as freaky as, say, "Myth of Love", but the sudden glowering monolithic loudness and silence and those weird, suggestive and ambiguous lyrics just scare me sometimes. It's like walking into an empty house and coming into a study and finding an open file on a child killer with half of the words blacked out lying on the desk.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Odradek said:

    naney said:

    mask of the boys more just makes me wanna roll about in a pile of cozy blankets than anything else

    Mask of the Boys sounds like a boy band that exclusively does reworked Uriah Heep covers.
    Look it up. Listen to the whole thing. Think about this.

    It will either be very funny or very uncomfortable.
  • edited 2014-09-08 16:00:15

    I really don't know how to put my dislike of Black Flag beyond they're not my thing. Sorry.

    All I know about BadBrains is that MURS likes them.

    anyway I can't find the exact quote, but I did find this beautiful piece of nonsense.

    Armstrong is an odd guy.

    That's really cool. Actually have never heard this.
    It is really cool!
    Fair enough about Black Flag. I think you might enjoy Bad Brains' stuff. They obviously started out as a punk band, but they incorporated influences from Reggae, Soul and Funk into their later recordings.

    Also, did you forget to link to whatever "this beautiful piece on nonsense" is? I'm not seeing a link or anything.

    Also, out of curiosity, what about Black Flag did you not like?

    As for my feelings on Punk music, there are bands I like here and there, but I've never been hugely into it and most of the punks bands I do listen to are usually 80s hardcore bands, i.e. The Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, The Minutemen and Bad Brains (though Bad Brains evolved into much more than a Hardcore Punk band). Plus, Hardcore Punk had a big influence on two of my favorite genres of Heavy Metal (Thrash and the various sub-genres of Doom Metal [Black Flag was definitely a huge influence on Sludge Metal]).

    Same. I also like some of the quirkier anarcho-punk groups and first wave New York and UK bands.
    Yeah, there's some good stuff in there. And in the No wave scene too.
  • I really don't know how to put my dislike of Black Flag beyond they're not my thing. Sorry.

    All I know about BadBrains is that MURS likes them.

    anyway I can't find the exact quote, but I did find this beautiful piece of nonsense.

    Armstrong is an odd guy.

    That's really cool. Actually have never heard this.
    It is really cool!
    Fair enough about Black Flag. I think you might enjoy Bad Brains' stuff. They obviously started out as a punk band, but they incorporated influences from Reggae, Soul and Funk into their later recordings.

    Also, did you forget to link to whatever "this beautiful piece on nonsense is"? I'm not seeing a link or anything.
    I meant to link it and then I forgot to. Whoops.

    Now I'm listening to "American Wedding" by Frank Ocean. Also whoops.
  • Apparently Paco de Lucia passed away earlier this year and I just found out about it now. He was only 66 too. It's a real shame such a good musician passed away.
  • skinny puppy, haujobb, vnv nation and youth code are touring together

    it's like a who's who of industrial artists that still exist and are pretty good
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    naney said:

    skinny puppy, haujobb, vnv nation and youth code are touring together

    it's like a who's who of industrial artists that still exist and are pretty good


    I would go see that.
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