Sonic X Is A Brilliant Introspection On The Human Condition

edited 2014-04-01 08:37:24 in General
There are countless examples of humans being petty, vindictive and selfish in Sonic X. Eggman and GUN are just some of the examples of this. The show doesn't pull any punches regarding that, and shows the consequences of their actions as gruesomely as is reasonably possible. 

But Chris Thorndyke reminds us that there is good in the hearts of men too, and maybe - just maybe - it can overcome the evil that dominates Sonic's twisted world.


  • "Good in the hearts of 'men'"

    Male as default strikes again!!

    ~sacrifices a goat to Loki~
  • imagei will watch the heck outta this pumpkin patch
    Ah, but it's not male as default, not in this instance!  Because Sonic X is actually a covertly political tract developed with the express intention of extolling virtues which the show presents as exclusively male.  The show is thus a celebration of traditional masculinity, as well as heteronormative, patriarchal gender roles.

    You unsacrifice that goat this instant!
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    what did the goat do
  • Tachyon said:

    You unsacrifice that goat this instant!

    I dun wanna ~Throws a tantrum~
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