Isn't constitutional democracy great? I sure do love how, instead of being born into a position of power and keeping that power for life, I have to "earn" power by convincing people who aren't as smart as me that I'll give them what I want! Then repeat that process every four years!
Speaking of which: VOTE PRESIDENT ALICE, 2014! Alongside my running mate, Chrysanthemum Rose the Democratically Elected Unicorn, we'll keep Centralia moving!
1. non-4:3 computer screens
2. moë in the anime industry
3. first-person shooter games
4. pornographic My Little Pony fan-works
5. Comic Sans and Papyrus, the fonts
6. the use of alternative cursewords, such as "frick" and "heck"
7. the Keystone XL Pipeline
9. is love the way?
10. what's the deal with
12. what is a man?
13. is this the real life?
Also, I should get around to writing about the Baromy of Kexructland.
Not that I care, so long as I get those precious votes. Oh yeah, support the Laughter Party!
2. Moe is difficult to define, but I can agree that it can be annoying, especially when it is used as pandering or whatever. That said, there are probably worse problems with the "anime industry" than moe and if some moe fluff is the price to pay for slice of life shows, I am okay with that.
3. I oppose all violence.
4. They are pretty gross and clash with the tone of the work. See Fanworks That Do Not Fit the Tone of a Work for more information.
5. They get more flack than they deserve. I fully support the right to choose one's font. Defending typeface freedom is important to me, even if one's font choice is unpopular.
6. Marginally better than actual cursing, but still unnecessary.
7. I think it is more important to focus on issues that actually affect Centralia directly.
8. That guy has all the right moves.
9. No, but I think it should be, that is why one of my main priorities when I am in office will be to rebuild infrastructure. It disappoints me that our government has been cutting costs so much that now most roads are either made of love or peace or friendship, but never all three combined like they used to be. Engineering experts agree that you need all three for harmonius roads and that if we do not do anything about that problem, our children and our grandchildren could be feeling the effects years from now.
10. Grape nuts? I have spoken with experts on the subject far more qualified to speak on it than I and even they say it is a complete mystery. Please do not accept oversimplified or "too good to be true" statements on this very complex issue.
11. You're The Man Now, Dog.
12. I know that as a dog I may not have the same experience with "being a man" as the other candidates. However, I view that as a strength because of the outsider perspective it gives me. I also believe that the president of Centralia should represent all of its citizens, whether they be people, unicorns, dogs, cats, washing machines, or what have you.
13. Since I firmly believe that figments of imagination should have full rights in Centralia, I do not subscribe to the realist idea that such things should matter. Our society was built on imagination and valuing beings based on whether or not they exist is an affront to that national heritage.
2. Moe's like a lot of other stimulants. It's fun in small doses, and toxic in big ones.
3. They can be fun if you've got friends who want to play them with you.
4. I plead the fifth.
5. I still think it was a mistake to try to add lower-case to a comic book-based font.
6. I try to swear lightly myself, but using these substitutes feels off to me.
7. Not very good for anyone but the oil companies.
8. John might've sung that song better than Paul did, but Paul sings it well enough that it almost doesn't matter.
9. All I know is that love's been the way for me for a while.
10. Bon Iver? His falsetto is irritating to me, and his songs aren't good enough to overcome that.
11. <insert embed of "Friday I'm In Love" here>
13. Most of it feels pretty real to me, although there are parts that tempt me to think otherwise.