guess my bookmarks (and frequently used sites)

edited 2014-01-30 02:44:13 in Roleplay & Games
ele (a subsite of a famous politics site)

car (a game localizer's site, specifically the forum)

cav (a fansite for final fantasy games)

hea (no hints provided)

it (related to the previous one)

thr (actually short for "thread watch")

wat (actually short for "watched threads")

xk (a webcomic)

bra (a webcomic)

pho (an upload site for a certain type of file)

i have (a page title...but what kind of page?)

fruit (another game localizer's site)

q (the first letter of my username where?)

bac (a gaming-related site)

bac (another gaming-related site)

stea (yet another gaming-related site)

dud (a webcomic)

nva (a place to buy and sell things...technically the location)

tra (yet another gaming-related site, better known by a different name)


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