Oh yeah! Gonna listen to Fall Out Boy's new album, which I ripped from a CD, which are still a thing I purchase, to my iPod mini, which is my brand-new state-of-the-art music player! Long live Steve Jobs!
I can't wait to play RollerCoaster Tycoon all night!
I was reading Naked Lunch and thoroughly enjoyed it
Got a new pope, who was promptly compared to Emperor Palpatine
speaking of Star Wars, Episode III came out and nerds bitched about it a lot
the forum I was on at the time unanimously declared "My Humps" the Worst Song Ever
I discovered Happy Tree Friends and took joy in their violent demises
Elvis was still dead
I love long division!
Sometimes, when I have free time, I'll get paper and pencil and do long division.
16729/823 is especially lovely. After all these months, I still haven't gotten to the repeat, after all these pages.
i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
it's irritating when it's something you have to do and you can't progress without doing it
Sorry, I guess that might have been a bit too serious for this thread. Feel free to let me know if you think so and I would be glad to edit this out.
(The other Jane)