I'm running for Senate against liberal Herpa Derp

edited 2013-12-10 17:08:37 in General
Dear patriot,

You are in a foxhole fighting to save our constitutional Republic...

...and the last thing you need is a Republican bayonet in your back.

But that’s what liberal Herpa Derp has been doing to you every day.

And we have less than 90 days to stop him.

I’m conservative Congressman Hurr Durr, and I am running for United States Senate against liberal Herpa Derp.

I am honored to be called the most fearless conservative in Congress, and proud of my perfect 100% lifetime conservative rating.  I am leading the fight for our values.

But Herpa Derp wakes up every morning and works to make the Senate a more liberal place.

Liberal Herpa Derp betrayed Omg Lolz by abandoning Republicans during the Obamacare filibuster.

Liberal Herpa Derp betrayed Omg Lolz, and you, by voting to fund Obamacare.

But liberal Herpa Derp is now doing what he always does, spending four years voting like a Democrat, then spending the two years before an election pretending to be Republican.

And if we let Herpa Derp back in the Senate he will go right back to betraying Republicans, and with a vengeance.

Well, I’m sick and tired of being bayoneted in the back by someone in my own foxhole.

Texas is a conservative state.  Texas needs a conservative senator.

That is why I am running to be Texas’ no-compromise conservative champion in the United States Senate.

I have a 100% lifetime pro-life rating.

I was the original sponsor of the Sanctity of Life Act and will block any federal judge who is not 100% pro-life.

I am sponsoring the Sanctity of Life Act again, H.R. 2764.  It would automatically overturn Roe v. Wade, protecting human life between conception and birth.

I have a 100% lifetime pro-gun rating.

I worked with Senator Rand Paul to introduce legislation blocking Obama’s gun-grabbing executive orders.

I have also introduced legislation to block and nullify all anti-gun UN treaties.

I introduced H.R.35, the Safe Schools Act, to stop school shootings by allowing teachers, parents and school personnel to carry legal firearms on school property.

I introduced H.R.577, the Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act, to stop the gun-grabbing scheme of denying constitutional rights to peaceful veterans who have simply seen a doctor to talk about their wartime experience.

I have introduced H.R.3199, the Safe Military Bases Act, to overturn the dangerous Clinton gun ban on military bases that turned Fort Hood into a killing zone.

Along with Senator Rand Paul, I am the House sponsor of the Audit The Fed bill, H.R. 33.

We cannot allow the unconstitutional Federal Reserve to continue to manipulate our money.

I am leading the fight in the House to fully investigate the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

That’s why I have gone against the D.C. Establishment and filed a discharge petition to force an investigation and to hold Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton legally accountable.

If liberal Herpa Derp loves being a senator he can move to Massachusetts.

Liberal Herpa Derp claims to oppose Obamacare, but he votes to kill any effort to stop it because he agrees with the D.C. establishment and thinks it will buy him votes.

Every Republican who works to fund Obamacare kills freedom twice as quickly as when a Democrat does it.

I refuse to let liberal Herpa Derp continue to betray Republicans and this constitutional Republic.

These next six years will determine whether our constitutional Republic lives or dies.

And we have less than 90 days to win that fight.

I am asking you to consider an investment in the future of our nation with a contribution.

If you can afford to make the legal maximum contribution of $2,600 ($5,400 for husband and wife), please click here today.

We need to be up on the air spreading our message of freedom to every Texas voter.

Of course, most people cannot afford to give the maximum amount.

But by chipping in a contribution of any amount, you will be joining with liberty-minded conservatives across the country in this important battle.

So please, click here today to chip in $250, $100, $50, or $25.

Every penny will be spent mobilizing voters to victory.

As we saw last year when Omg Lolz became a senator, Texans want conservative champions to represent them in the United States Senate.

They do not want compromising leftists who undergo election-year conversions, then back again -- and liberal Herpa Derp is the worst offender.

In every poll liberal Herpa Derp always loses to any conservative the voters have heard about.

Texans do not want liberal Herpa Derp to be their senator.

We can elect a conservative champion to the Senate, but we’ll have to overcome liberal Herpa Derp and his D.C. establishment to do it.

You see, liberal Herpa Derp is only in office because he does two things.

First, he’s WTF Hax’s Republican until before the election, when he temporarily starts voting Republican.

He’ll tell you he’s a conservative and point to some votes, but he always goes right back to being WTF Hax’s Republican the morning after the election.

Liberal Herpa Derp also ALWAYS spends his D.C. millions to smear and attack conservatives -- or he’ll coordinate while his cronies in D.C. do it for him.

And liberal Herpa Derp absolutely will smear and attack me, and lie to you about me.

You and I must end liberal Herpa Derp’s betrayal of conservatives and his multi-million-dollar smear machine.

And I have less than 90 days to match him toe-to-to.

When freedom is threatened Texans have always mounted up and ridden to the sound of the guns.

I’m not asking you to take a bullet or face actual bayonets.

I just need to hear from you and have your support.

We now have less than 90 days to defeat liberal Herpa Derp’s multi-million dollar smear machine.

Liberal Herpa Derp has betrayed conservatives for too long.

The line has been drawn in the sand.

Will you stand for liberty and help me defeat liberal Herpa Derp?

Please, click here today to chip in $250, $100, $50, or $25.


Congressman Hurr Durr

P.S. Texas is a conservative state and wants a conservative champion in the U.S. Senate.

Make no mistake, liberal Herpa Derp will smear me and lie about me just like he’s done to every conservative.

But you and I can, and must, stop him.  We have less than 90 days to do it.

So please click here to chip in any amount you can afford so that together we can overcome to Washington establishment and win this Senate seat for freedom.


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