Wham Lines Game

edited 2013-10-17 06:16:17 in Roleplay & Games
This was fun on TVT so i figured we might try it here.  Might also be a fun way to generate writing prompts.

You take the phrase at the end of the post above you, and supply a context in which it becomes a Wham Line - that is, a line with game-changing significance, the uttering of which is a pivotal moment in the story.

So if the phrase was 'We're out of power,' the context might be that a character is being kept alive on a life-support that needs power to run, and now they are at risk of death.

When you're done, post a phrase for the next person to supply context for, in bold so we know it's the phrase.

Phrases can be as boring or as weird as you like, that's part of the fun.

i'll start:

There's no time.


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