ATTN David Bowie's Ghost

edited 2013-10-12 14:42:49 in General
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  • those arent teeth haunter just has a retarded mouth with not even any teeth at all. i mean who has teeth the same colour as their skin?? exactly. also wow. gengar totally flies everywhere. this guy doesnt know his shit. haunter is at a serious disadvantage because it doesnt even have legs, what shitty pokemon has hands but not even any arms or any legs? also being high as balls owns. and gengar is not fat it just actually has a body, wow, haunter is just a dumb floating head with some hands and not even any arms. and what kind of an advantage is 'pointy head' more like 'wow really dumb and lame and not scary head'. who writes this shit. ill kick their ass.

    and anyway theyre both better than gastly which is just some gas with eyes lmao, the worst ghost pokemon aside from misdreavus which is, like, a dishrag with some red beads on it

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    This is how Pokemon wars start.
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