Expanding the Definition of Self-Harm: A Pop-Up Book

edited 2013-09-19 00:18:11 in General
The thought occurred to me earlier that society has a very narrow view of self-harm. That is, it's pretty much limited to cutting, which is generally seen as something that teens do when they're acting out.

We should expand that definition to all repeated, compulsive behaviors that result in injury. Over-exercising. Tobacco smoking. Reading books that you hate. Dating people who will probably hurt you and not be sorry.  Washing your hands so often that they bleed. Masturbating so often that it causes chafing.

Make it something similar to OCD, or list it as a possible symptom. Emphasize the importance of breaking harmful habits. Send armies against it. Take all the money being used to prevent gay people from marrying and put it to helping people break bad habits. Start a petition. Start twenty. Cancel eighteen of them and send the signers over to the other two. Make an identity for these poor souls, have Tumblr feast on the entrails of anyone who does them wrong. Create a pill to help with the issue, and then another pill when the first one gets shut down by the FDA. Have people smuggle in the first pill from second-world countries. Have them riot in the streets to make them legal. Have them riot for any reason, any reason at all. Let that become self-harm. Write a letter to your representative while the city goes down in flames. Die. Die screaming.


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