Good Future Of The Heapers' Hangout

edited 2013-07-13 22:04:39 in General
I mean no offense to Aliroz, but I felt like the bad future thread was getting a bit depressing and that creating a counterpart to it might be worthwhile. This thread is basically for posting what a nice future for you or someone else would look like. You can feel free to describe what would happen in your "best possible" future, but since I realize this is not quite an ideal world, talking about a pleasant future that is a bit more realistic is fine too.

Let me know if you think this is a pointless snowclone by the way.


  • I become an influential game journalist and programmer or something like that. 

    That'd be pretty sweet.
  • I don't think it's a pointless Snowclone, the entire philosophical theme it's asking for is completely different.

    Good ending, I create a giant tower known as the actual Heaper's Hangout, after setting up small businesses that lead me into a small fortune.

    I then coordinate several furnishings for the building and recruit members of this very site for.... Heaper's Hangout, the building life-scenario, also, we fight crime too, I guess, but only white-collar crimes.
  • There are many belly rubs and several pieces of comfortable furniture to lounge upon
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Hey, I like this thread!

    LW gets 333 Alipoints!

    Aliroz becomes the Librarian of Congress; adopts two kids, and names them Kevin and Tucker (also, Ca and Au get married.)
  • Kexruct said:

    I become an influential game journalist and programmer or something like that. 

    That'd be pretty sweet.
    Replace programmer with author of somewhat acclaimed fiction and you have me.

    Or tech journalism.

    Also, Ubisoft would finally make that Stuck game! ^_^

  • You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022

  • edited 2013-07-14 04:51:56
    More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Miko is the beautiful, benevolent empress of the planet, and causes human cruelty and violence to stop forever and people to instead focus on curing diseases. Everyone has food and a home and expendable income. All use of natural resources is entirely sustainable. When Miko dies, perfect robot overlords are left behind in her image, to keep Earth a perfect utopia and push it towards technological singuarity, in which humanity becomes one with machines and overcomes its nature.

    Also, Miko and ko get to meet irl and go for walks on the beach.
  • Tools and her gf move in together, Tools becomes a ballistics expert and her ex bf gets the karma he deserves.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    Kraken becomes immortal, finds and/or makes new planes for him to walk upon, taking the human adventure everywhere, anywhere, and anywhen possible and impossible.

    Other good ending: Kraken dies content, free of the attachment of the universe, never to be reborn to this material plane.
  • I become Pokemon Master and have topless hot chicks re-enact Pacific Rim for me every day.
  • Vriska gets all the levels and all the luck and all the loot and marries either John Eg8ert or Nicolas Cage and has awesome pir8 adventures forever.
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    So... Vriska finally becomes Vriska irl? ::::o
  • Pretty much, yeah. XXXXD
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Imi-G becomes a well-known author of mindscrewy books and also attains a sort of spiritual equilibrium that helps him overcome depression. Also, he meets Miko and they play some games together. Also, raocow LPs Black Candles. Also, breasts are appreciated in a tactile way
  • More people have said that and been killed than there are thorium decay products.
    Among them are Miko's breasts, no doubt. :3

    *hug* :D
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
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