Things I have learned about Britons from twitter

edited 2013-05-01 12:09:40 in General
Britons hate their media, every single aspect of it, but consume vast amounts of it.

Britons despise their politicians in a singular way, as opposed to the multiple and varied ways Americans hate their politicians. All British politicians are slimy incompetent snakemen in ill-fitting human skins.

Britons are all atheist marxists.

Britons have very specific ideas about how humor should work. Only Peep Show follows these rules.

Britons like football.


    I like how her scumbag hat is a Burberry in this one. :D
  • Odradek said:

    Britons hate their media, every single aspect of it, but consume vast amounts of it.

    Britons despise their politicians in a singular way, as opposed to the multiple and varied ways Americans hate their politicians. All British politicians are slimy incompetent snakemen in ill-fitting human skins.

    Britons are all atheist marxists.

    Britons have very specific ideas about how humor should work. Only Peep Show follows these rules.

    Britons like football.

    as a briton myself i will confirm/deny these in order as follows



    Lol, No.

    N but if you add 'and Monty Python' youre halfway there


  • like seriously i do live with one raging Marxist atm but thats because he is from newcastle. in the north there are still a fair number of Marxists (confusingly all of them vote for Labour, who are now baldly and openly a centre-right party, simply because they [or their parents] have voted Labour every election since the 70s when Labour were bona-fide socialist. now, Labour are full on neoliberals who just pretend to be nice to the poor. at least the tories are open about their hatred of the less well-off. if you see anyone on Twitter who claims to be a marxist and a labour supporter please laugh in their face repeatedly and ask them why they dont support the Greens who arent even left-wing and still manage to be the most marxist party in the country.)

    but yeah. there is a fucking frightening number of "Conservative Future" members at my university. your image of the average hard-campaignin', ethical-livin', protestin', peace-and-love student is fucking dead. as for wider britain... most people are centre-right to just plain right wing. confusingly, some of them are centre right and still hate thatcher idgi


  • .... as for atheist, the biggest society on my uni campus is the Christian Union. tbh most of them are losers/nerds who, instead of embracing bronyism/nerd-dom as a path to actual socialisation, for some reason decided on God instead. its weird
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Yeah, pretty much everything that I've read tells me that the North is way to the left of the rest of England in some aspects and has been since at least the late 19th century. But the rest...
  • Yeah, pretty much everything that I've read tells me that the North is way to the left of the rest of England in some aspects and has been since at least the late 19th century. But the rest...

    yeah it progressively gets more and more hostile towards the right until you reach scotland. seriously everyone in scotland fucking despises the tories and they have like 1 MP in the whole of scotland. i dont want scotland to become independent because if they did leave the UK the conservatives would just win every election, forever.

    for the record:

    Labour: centre-right party who pretend to like the poor but secretly hate the poor

    Conservative: more-right-than-centre-right party who are open about their hate for the poor

    Liberal Democrats: centre-right party who everyone hates because they got into power in a coalition with the tories and basically broke every single election promise they made and are now functionally unelectable for a generation

    UKIP: batshit crazy 'some-of-my-best-friends-are-black'-racist anti-EU party who want to introduce capital punishment for drug dealers and have about 14% of the vote in opinion polls

    Greens: only party even vaguely approaching left-wing who have admittedly good policies but tremendously bad organisation because their core long-term membership is a load of old hippies left over from the 70s

    my country is so much fun politically. at least in the US you only have 2 parties to continually scream 'no no what are you doing oh god' at.

  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    There are Conservatives in the Scottish Parliament, but all of them seem to either be from the tony districts around Edinburgh or little hick enclaves out in the Highlands. Otherwise, it's basically socialist country. Hell, they're the ones that expanded hate crimes legislation to cover transgender persons.

    I'm kind of torn about the Scottish independence issue. On the one hand, I really want Scotland to tell Cameron and his crew to go fuck themselves and I honestly think that they would be better off; on the other hand, while England might ultimately be forced into a position of improving itself after losing any actual left in the Parliament, it would take a few years of hell before anything truly positive would come of it outside of the option to run screaming to Scotland or burn Westminster to the ground.
  • run screaming to Scotland or burn Westminster to the ground.

    personally i would be up for doing either or both of these things
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Were I in your position, yes, I think that I would join you; as it stands, as an American... yeah, the first is looking pretty good right now.
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