Dungeoncrawler's Academy -- Discussion



  • I have no time for strange foreigner rituals that might summon liches.
  • edited 2013-05-09 19:18:20
    Pizza Dog
    It's a magical ward inscribed on the body of somehow, that can cause great pain and ^ what yarrun said,

    It's activated in 3 ways. A. if the the person it is bound too goes a certain distance (Person X has the mark goes away from Person Y)

    B. if a certain phrase is used by person Y.

    C. If an action is performed by person X (stupid acts mind you)

    The reason we suggest these sorts of "Anchors" character anchors if you will, is because narrative interference will only serve to delay Nathan the character for individual circumstances.
  • Eventually, Nathan will do something stupid enough to cause himself actual harm.

    This will either reign him in or kill him if he keeps doing it.

  • Of course, there's the question of who Person Y would be.

    It's not like we have a proper leader to wield that kind of power.
  • Eventually, Nathan will do something stupid enough to cause himself actual harm.

    This will either reign him in or kill him if he keeps doing it.

    Of course by extension you know, his stupidity will cause harm to everyone's character that is a part of the group.
  • Unfortunate.

    This is my fault in the first place, of course. I thought I was being a good GM by rewarding something unconventional. As it turns out, I was incorrect.

    The rules, such as they are, will be adhered to more strictly from now on.

  • edited 2013-05-09 20:15:24
    And now I made the hijinks have a note of horror in them 8D

    And honestly Mojave it was going to happen whether or not you rewarded that unconventional combat. ALL of Nathan's actions are actually WITHIN CHARACTER for the personality blurb I gave

    I honestly can justify every action

    And I said all three were covered in blood. Probably Nathan's
  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
    Honestly, what you need to do is account for things like this. Still give rewards/punishments, but most importantly try to out think us

    I don't have much experience with DMing myself, but I am fairly confident that a player could not catch me off guard. For example, that Summoner Skull was brilliant. The only difference I would have had was a "Nathan Modifier", to ensure it couldn't get one shotted even with the lowest HP possible and Nathan and/or Impy getting max damage. Nathan causes himself hell, and if he didn't reign it in after that, the other players would in order to avoid getting mauled again
  • Icalasari said:

    Honestly, what you need to do is account for things like this. Still give rewards/punishments, but most importantly try to out think us

    Account for things like your character constantly wandering off? I don't really have any problems with unconventionality in general, it's more the "spend twenty minutes in a room trying to blow open the floor for no reason" attitude I'm starting to get sick of, and I'm going to start actively punishing this kind of thing if I have to. There is a fine line between inventiveness and gadflyism.

    The next floor is very small, but the one after that is not. There is plenty of room for traps and the like there.

    Icalasari said:

    I don't have much experience with DMing myself, but I am fairly confident that a player could not catch me off guard. For example, that Summoner Skull was brilliant. The only difference I would have had was a "Nathan Modifier", to ensure it couldn't get one shotted even with the lowest HP possible and Nathan and/or Impy getting max damage. Nathan causes himself hell, and if he didn't reign it in after that, the other players would in order to avoid getting mauled again

    I don't like to fudge dice. I've subsequently removed the Imp's bonus to Fire Bolt's damage. Hopefully that will prevent such problems in the future.
    Yarrun said:

    Is the Priest a Sister of Lior as well?

  • edited 2013-05-09 20:44:22
    "There is plenty of room for traps and the like there."

    Actually that's exactly what I'm talking about

    EDIT: I am sorry for some of the wandering in the school. Just didn't really know what else to do while waiting (I don't think I was excessive in the dungeon myself though. Still am shocked that digging a hole actually made a hole in the dungeon's floor to the next floor though. I would have thought that to be physically impossible considering the shifting nature of the dungeon)
  • Yarrun said:

    So, he's a non-denominational priest?

    He's a Priest of Albion.
    Icalasari said:

    "There is plenty of room for traps and the like there."

    Actually that's exactly what I'm talking about

    You do realize that you've only cleared two floors and one set block so far? I didn't exactly want to make the second level riddled with spikes or something.

  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
    Yeah, but a door that doesn't open until the whole party is present, opening another hallway would count as "the like"
  • Icalasari said:

    EDIT: I am sorry for some of the wandering in the school. Just didn't really know what else to do while waiting (I don't think I was excessive in the dungeon myself though. Still am shocked that digging a hole actually made a hole in the dungeon's floor to the next floor though. I would have thought that to be physically impossible considering the shifting nature of the dungeon)

    It very much did not make a hole to the next floor. It made a hole, and the hole lead somewhere, briefly, but it did not lead to the next floor. 
    Icalasari said:

    Yeah, but a door that doesn't open until the whole party is present, opening another hallway would count as "the like"

    Thing about that is that it's forced and contrived and all those other nasty words that GMs strive to avoid having attached to their campaigns in any form. Your characters will learn to stick together.
  • I'd prefer to have at least one more person here. Can someone see if Sredni or dmb are around? 

    I need to talk to both of them about their level ups, now that I think of it.

    I'd say Aliroz too, but he still hasn't given me his stat allocations for his first level up. 

  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
    "It very much did not make a hole to the next floor. It made a hole, and the hole lead somewhere, briefly, but it did not lead to the next floor. "

    Still, kind of surprised me

    "Thing about that is that it's forced and contrived and all those other
    nasty words that GMs strive to avoid having attached to their campaigns
    in any form. Your characters will learn to stick together."

    Point. I guess the summoner skull was essentially supposed to be the, "This is what happens if you split up"

    Sorry if I have been a pain in the ass for the campaign, Mojave. Would you like me to reign in my character a bit?
  • Icalasari said:

    Sorry if I have been a pain in the ass for the campaign, Mojave. Would you like me to reign in my character a bit?

    It would be preferable.

    I don't really care if he acts wacky, but when I have to deal with his wackiness repeatedly on a mechanical level, it's kind of a problem.

  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
    Alright. Consider his truncated adventures him getting his energy out in a way that would make <insert level 10 monsters here> cringe
  • >Level 10 Monster


    Blood Elemental

    • Level: 10
    • L: ??
    • Type: Elemental / Spellcaster
    • EP: 1d60+40
    • ATK: 120 [2d20, Tendrils]
    • DEF: 20
    • Mg.ATK: 120
    • Mg.DEF: 20
    • Special Drops: 1d4 Blood Crystals
    • Schools: Chaos Magic, Blood Magic
    • One of the strangest of the elemental embodiments, Blood Elementals are thin, ropy humanoids with no real distinct features, aside from the vaguest impression of a face somewhere near their "head". Blood Elementals are brought into the physical plane through the means of interdimensional gates, and their presence is usually the sign of one or more powerful summoners, though sometimes naturally-occurring rifts can bring them to our world instead. 
    • Blood Elementals have a rudimentary, primitive command of all the elemental schools, making their attacks often a form of chaos magic. They also (unsurprisingly) have a powerful repertoire of blood magic spells.

    • Spell List:
    • Aura of Chaos: The caster buffs themselves with an aura of pure, roiling chaotic magic. All attacks made by the caster while under the effect of this aura deal an additional 1d20 of a random type of damage. The effect persists for 1d10 rounds, and does not stack. [MP: 80] [Range: Self]
    • Roil Lash: The caster creates a powerful whip of chaotic energy, and flings it at an enemy, dealing 1d20 of a random type of damage, and 1d20 of another random type. [MP: 40] [Range 3: Line]
    • Blood Magic
    • Bloodburn: The caster targets an enemy creature and boils off some of its blood. The effect is incredibly painful and has a 40% chance to incapacitate the target for 1d4 rounds. The effect also deals 2d12 Fire damage. [MP: 60] [Range: Any LOS]
    • Acidic Blood: The Blood Elemental converts its body to acidic, burning blood. All attacks made by the Elemental while under this effect deal an additional 2d12 Acid Damage. This effect lasts 1d6 rounds, and does not stack. [MP: 80] [Range: Self]

    • Abilities:
    • Bloodmana: The Blood Elemental is treated as having the Left-Handed Spellcasting passive. 
    • Blood Magic User: The Blood Elemental is treated as a Blood Witch for the purposes of spell targeting.
    • Acid Immunity: The Blood Elemental is immune to Acid Damage.

  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
    Well, I'm sure a blood elemental WOULD cringe if it could...

    ...Still going to try to force one in The Bag
  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
    Now I want to create a summoning spell that summons a large, magical sack with The Bag™ branded on the side. If successful, it restrains monsters for a certain number of rounds. If successful on a goblin, it is an autoKO
  • Man, we're not going to be seeing goblins after a few weeks.

    Unless there are uber-goblins that can compete with a Level 10 Blood Elemental

    Hey, Mojave, are there any uniques in the Dungeonverse?
  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
    Eh, I'm going to try to get Nathan to solo floor one later on if at all possible. Trying to get a slime caught. I actually have plans for that slime

    I mean, unless a pet Slime is on the loot table in which case then I'm satisfied
  • Icalasari said:

    Eh, I'm going to try to get Nathan to solo floor one later on if at all possible. Trying to get a slime caught. I actually have plans for that slime

    I mean, unless a pet Slime is on the loot table in which case then I'm satisfied

    We've discussed this. Not happening.

    Unless you want to devote a spell slot to some sort of "Summon Slimes" spell.

    Yarrun said:

    Hey, Mojave, are there any uniques in the Dungeonverse?

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I'll put ten of my stat upgrades into defense and ten into attack.
  • OK

    that's one level taken care of, but you still need to level up a second time as well.

    You get twenty more points and a new spell slot, alt-cast, or passive. 

    If you don't remember what those are just let me know.

  • edited 2013-05-10 11:39:40
    ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    All 20 to magic attack; and my new spell is Ascarite, which (from two gallons of water) makes one pint of Sodium Hydroxide; which is sort of like the Duct Tape for chemists.  It's main use is to react with harmfull acids to create a harmless salt; though it is also a disenfectant/irritant that could theoretically be used to make soap if you had the right oil, salt water, and mud and fat.

    The main reason I'm going to have it is that Sodium Hydroxide is what balances out Sulphuric Acid into a harmless salt.  If you have one, you need the other.

    Sodium hydroxide is more known by its other name, Lye.
  • I find it interesting that the insane poisoner is putting more mechanical thought into her spells than the rest of us.

    I should have N use reflective barriers once lvl. 5 comes along.
  • Aliroz_ said:

    All 20 to magic attack; and my new spell is Ascarite, which (from two gallons of water) makes one pint of Sodium Hydroxide; which is sort of like the Duct Tape for chemists.  It's main use is to react with harmfull acids to create a harmless salt; though it is also a disenfectant/irritant that could theoretically be used to make soap if you had the right oil, salt water, and mud and fat.

    The main reason I'm going to have it is that Sodium Hydroxide is what balances out Sulphuric Acid into a harmless salt.  If you have one, you need the other.

    Sodium hydroxide is more known by its other name, Lye.


    I need to figure out how that spell is going to work, but alright.

  • Ascarite: The caster converts a large amount of water into sodium hydroxide. This substance can be applied to negate Acid and Venom attacks, and in addition, will deal [1d20 + 10(Caster Level)] points of Acid damage to any Acid-based creature, bypassing any resistances. Use in this manner produces 1d4 ounces of purified salt. [MP: 20] [Range: Special] [Requires Ingredient: Large Amount of Water]

    I would call this situational at best, to be totally honest with you. But I think I did okay in converting all that information into mechanics.

    Granted, I do not know, in-depth, the effects of sodium hydroxide.

    it might be very useful in The Alchemical Labs potentially, but I haven't decided if I want to make that area a thing yet, really.

    Speaking of alchemy, I believe Lucretia is well on her way to becoming an alchemist.

    Chemistry geek here. Sodium hydroxide is a strong base, strong enough to burn skin in relatively weak solution, and you'd need a lot of water to make its pH something close enough to 7 (which is neutral) to be safe to carry around. That said, I think the "lot" part has been taken care of.
  • oi.

    Officially handwaving this by saying that two substances with the same name in our world and the Dungeonverse do not necessarily act precisely the same. Else I'll end up in a ton of chemistry-induced headaches further down the road if Lucretia decided to specialize in alchemy.

    If Aliroz has any problems with how the spell works, that's different, but I'd rather not go out of my way to make mechanical effects that are necessarily chemically accurate.

    Yeah, for something like this, making it completely accurate would be too tedious.
  • some important errata:

    • individual "turns" within a round are now officially known as "phases". This is relevant for a few monster spells.
    • "non-elemental" damage is now officially known as aelemental damage. To distinguish it from regular "non-elemental damage", which is damage from an attack with an unbranded weapon. I'm aware that "aelemental" isn't a word and doesn't make much linguistic sense. I do not care. Aelemental damage is dealt in two cases:
        1. when damage of a specific type is inflicted upon a creature that is immune to damage of this type. In other words, if you managed to deal Fire damage to a Fire Elemental, it would come out as Aelemental damage instead.
        2. a subschool of Force Magic deals Aelemental damage. So does the Ghostfire subschool of Fire Magic. 
        3. the Colorless Magic Passive converts all damage your spells deal to Aelemental damage, but decreases their damage dealt by one die grade (thus, your traditional Fire Bolt, which deals 1d6 Fire damage, would instead deal 1d4 Aelemental damage).

    this will be copied to the OP, for reference.

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Well, it's not like we'll have to use the obscure properties of Sodium Hydroxide; like melting aluminum (but so slow as to be completely impractical), detecting carbon monoxide poisoning (only detects already-poisoned blood, so no use until it's too late), straightening hair (yeah, like we'll ever need to use that), and as an essential ingredient in Chineese Noodles, and causing glass to freeze slightly more quickly than it otherwise would (uselessly slow and also causes subtle structural damage to the glass).

    So, yeah, your spell as-is is perfect.

    Mostly I just need it as a counterpart to sulphuric acid.
  • I'd DM you guys tonight, but I have to be somewhere tomorrow morning.

    Sorry dudes. 'Night.

  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    Anybody still alive?
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗
  • Ehhhh.
  • ⊗¯\_(ツ)_/¯⊗

    And so on forms the Mumbling Alphabet!
  • Obi-wan was, let me check Tantoon.
  • “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    I'm around sometimes.
  • ...And even when your hope is gone
    move along, move along, just to make it through
    (2015 self)
    I'm here.
  • yo.

    Just statted out the first unique y'all will be facing (not counting certain enemies you're just not going to run into again).

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