one, two three four, five six seven; eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen, eighteen nineteen twenty twentyone twentytwo twentythree twentyfour twentyfive
<GMH> compare the bullet point looked like to you trying to do a very nice-looking fixed-width font. not sure if she shows up on GOG for "sanare" but that someone talking, in addition to search for "go twist" a tornado warnings/watches/etc. for the openbor sailor moon beatemup or sunday, that be your attention.
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He's worried about her! He thinks he'll like the beast ranger. right now, or soles will armageddon. I thought he said you cracked the case? Candle-woman's suiting knife. You will observe...that the led corn...there's a meat-crocket. Aw we step down the wheat dominary. The collisionary is not sure. What about the pills? Mag! Look daddy's sweeter ham. Helda? fair's witness is closed. you think
(In case you're wondering what these last few are, I'm actually just overhearing a TV show or commercials and typing up what I hear. Quality control was not applied.)
ehh whatever
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very nice-looking fixed-width font. not sure if she shows up on GOG for
"sanare" but that someone talking, in addition to search for "go twist" a
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Sanary cameo in Sailor Moon beat-em-up indie freeware :D
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may have for their first day of lasses by preparing them in advance.
(In case you're wondering what these last few are, I'm actually just overhearing a TV show or commercials and typing up what I hear. Quality control was not applied.)
i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis