How do I Linux

edited 2013-03-06 01:28:35 in General
I have Windows 7.

Can I still Linux on my computer?


  • I think most distros partition as part of the installation process.
    If you don't feel comfortable dinking around with your hard disk, there's a lot of Linux live CDs out there, and you can also install something like VirtualBox and run Linux in a window.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    You could start by running to the room of the three gargoyles. Push in the right tongue and a door might lead you down a staircase into the wall climb. Here, you must choose your next path. You could race up to the observatory, spin the sundial and pass into the room of the golden idols. Once there, push down on their faces to release the doors, that may take you below or lead you into the shrine of the silver monkey. Assemble the statue there and you may be headed for the torch room. If the elevator is up, you could jump into the elevator and descend into the mineshaft. You might climb up the ladder or plow through the stone wall. Find the key and it may unlock the tombs of the ancient kings, allowing you to climb into the spider's lair. If you escape, you may have a chance to sit upon the throne of the Pretender. If the correct door is unlocked, you'll be able to crawl into pit of despair and finally make you way through the cave of size, back to the temple gate. The choices are yours and yours alone. Good luck!
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