
edited 2013-01-08 17:40:33 in General


This is a thread for me to, I guess, liveblog my experiences with reddit? I've lurked on and off there for awhile now, and finally got an account there today.

This thread will largely consist of me reposting things from there and commenting on them. You of course, are also free to comment on them.

So at this point I've divided reddit cleanly into "things I want to look at", "things I might want to look at", and "things I definately don't want to look at". In the latter category are things like r/GentlemansClub which requires you to post pictures of only "classy" women (????), in the former we've got things like r/FirstWorldAnarchists, which is all about being a REBEL who doesn't PLAY by the RULES


pictured: not playing by the rules

edited because I hit "send" too early.


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