The negatives of falling down a flight of stairs are well-documented. You could break your neck, for instance, and maybe die. Or you might hit your head on the edge of a step, and go full-vegetable. Or you could snap your sternum, blow a lung, or mash a kidney.
And even if you’re lucky enough to escape serious injury, the damage to your home can be significant. If, say, you go cannonballing down the basement steps and your skull gets driven straight through a credenza and section of drywall, you’re looking at several hundreds of dollars in repair costs.
So, on balance, it’s NEVER a good idea to fall down a flight of stairs. However, there are some benefits which rarely get mentioned. By acknowledging the positives, I believe, many experts are afraid they’ll be accused of endorsing the activity.
Of course, that is not my intent. It is my strong opinion that safely navigating stairs, escalators, and ramps is always the most prudent course of action. However, I'm going to go where few will tread, and list some of the pros of falling down a flight of stairs.
‘Cause that’s the way I roll. …Get it?