General Web-Comic talk



  • Justice42 said:

    They're not reall,y puppets if that help, the world just has a sort of "Jim Henson feel", kinda like The Dark Crystal...with more war.

    The Jim Henson feel is the sound of a million bloody deaths under the smoke-choked sky of a doomed world.

    The Jim Henson feel is the smell of burned flesh and chemicals, tinged with the sight of vultures feasting upon the corpses.

    The Jim Henson feel is the feeling of being burned alive over the course of several days.

    No one needs to feel...the Jim Henson feel. 


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    There we go:


    Well... shit...


    There we go:

  • Justice42 said:

    The Oatmeal was fun for a while, but the preachy-bullshit is just getting a little too close to neck high. I'm calling it quits rather than finish my archive binge. 

    Maybe I just have a higher preach-tolerance than everyone else, but I never notice the things that others consider preachy for some reason.
  • The Oatmeal (if it's what I'm thinking of) has an art style that makes me ill.

    Not because it's technically bad, I just don't like looking at it. It makes me want to actively not view it.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Justice42 said:

    The Oatmeal was fun for a while, but the preachy-bullshit is just getting a little too close to neck high. I'm calling it quits rather than finish my archive binge. 

    Maybe I just have a higher preach-tolerance than everyone else, but I never notice the things that others consider preachy for some reason.

    He's got some rather specific, and dare I say "flawed", views of a few things, like children and high school.

    He can be funny, he can be insightful, it just wasn't worth the sort of "Look how FUNNY I can be while simultaneously being totally right about the world!"
  • Do I want to know what these views are.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Children or noisy poo factories that will consume your life, every weird person in high-school is just an ugly duckling, and every pretty, popular person will grow up to be unwanted when their looks fade.

    I mean, "no".
  • I hate kids. Even when I was a kid I hated kids.

    I was a kid.

    And I'm not anymore.

  • You know what I hate?

    Cyanide & Happiness.

    A whole lot.
  • I recognize the name but don't remember anything else.

    What's wrong with it?

  • I can't really think of a thing that isn't wrong with it.

    Tasteless, deliberately offensive, unfunny, poorly drawn, tactless, vile...
  • Ah.

    One of those "the author hates everything, including the reader, and somehow expects you to read it"?


    Fuck those.

  • Not really, it's more


    Justice: Wow, someone sounds bitter. :P I wouldn't want to read a comic where someone complains about how badly he was treated in high school, either. Though I did, by the grace of God, make it through Sonichu, though.
  • ^^Eh. I've seen worse, but that's still rather unfunny.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    That second one was kinda funny.
  • I just really, really hate it.

    As with most burning hatred, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    Well, I hate Sarah Zero or whatever it is, so.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Well, I hate Sarah Zero or whatever it is, so.
    You take that back! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!

    ...On a related topic, what the boobidy-boo is "Sarah Zero"?
  • A parody of bad, preachy webcomics that is also a bad, preachy webcomic.

    so total meta broseph.

    edit: I like that I could turn my unrelated statement that I made without even seeing the post above me into an answer just by replacing the question mark with a period.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    OH wait, was that the thing that was like a little too heady parody of all things capitalist or something?

    It didn't click with me.
  • It's an allegory for the creation of a shitty, pretentious webcomic in the form of a shitty, pretentious webcomic.
  • edited 2012-07-15 21:41:52
    “I'm surprised. Those clothes… but, aren't you…?”
    Cyanide & Happiness is one of those webcomics that seems to be written by people incapable of judging the quality of their own jokes. Every once in a while a genuinely funny strip turns up, but then you read the rest of it and just have to shake your head slowly at the wasted potential.
  • edited 2012-07-15 21:43:15

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    ^^Does the author throw there own "Meta parties", invite a bunch of people, then show up and act like a self-important doche-bag, flip a table, and leave in a huff?

    'Cause I think I'd do that every day if I made a meta web-comic, like that.
  • ^ Yeah, the party was on Something Awful.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Me, that Sarah Zero guy, Tim Buckley, KC Green, the 8-bit Theater guy, and a bunch of others started out on this one webcomics forum. I forget the name, first it was TopWebComics and then it was something else. At that time it was a lot of fun because everything and everyone was relatively sane and there were no egos to bruise -- the first meltdown we had was this one guy who took "pixel art" with absolute dead seriousness so he was always at the throats of the sprite comic guys and vice versa (oh god sprite comics. so glad that fad is over.)  I remember that Sarah Zero guy being the pretty decent sort and a skilled illustrator  like Girl Genius, I just can't stand his art style. It was a few years later on SA where that whole drama just came out of nowhere. 

    The last time I looked at the SA thread about Buckley, it was over 300 pages. Nobody back then could have imagined how things are now. Damn.
  • Man is a most complex simple creature: see what he weaves, and how base his reasons for doing so.
    To this day, I don't eat with proper chopstick technique.

    Drives my mother crazy in polite company. Which is why I eat alone.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    ^^ Yes. The same who does a metric ass-load of comics.

    One of Yoku and Ananth's  roommates is the creator of Rice-Boy, hence me bringing it up earlier.

    They hang out with a lot of web-cartoonists. 

  • This is the funniest thing that I've ever associated with Cyanide and Happiness.

    And I'll vouch for Rice Boy. Short read, and a bit confusing, but it's an incredible blast of narrative.
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Oh, and Yarrun's avatar reminds me, Rezo was there too. Now Rezo is a funny guy whose comics are brilliant, especially Minus. 

    There was one thread that was this humongous flamewar involving this real asshole named Pockybot who really, really thought higher of himself than anyone should. This was right after I enlisted so he made sure to call me a "babykiller" and talking shit about my comic but he was such a clueless dipshit that it was hard to get offended by him. Anyway his comic employed a main character who was about as generic as an 80's store brand -- think of the digimon character wearing goggles on the forehead, it seemed like every anime webcomic had a character sporting that look -- and one day Applegeeks (which was riding along with Megatokyo and PA as the three king shits of the webcomic world) had a one-off generic character for a joke that bore a bare passing resemblance to Pockybot's main character and you can just imagine what happened next. A thread blew up and was going like wildfire and Dan from Kidd Radd, me, Rezo, and KC and a bunch of others were in there were just having a fucking ball drawing pictures mocking the situation and this was while the sole admin was asleep so it went on for a few hours.  When she woke was not pleased with us at all and damn near locked down the entire forum, I think Pockybot got banned and Applegeeks redid the comic to remove the character because a "homage" or "shoutout" to pocky was not the intention and he's such a stupid asshole that they would censor a comic that had the most tenuous relation to him. 
  • He sounds unpleasant.

    I was unaware that the creator of Minus was even known for anything but....well, Minus.

    I don't suppose you happen to have ever met the guys from A Lesson is Learned but The Damage is Irreversible?

    The only webcomic author I know is you.

    Well, me too, if you want to count that never-updated sketch collection as a webcomic, I guess.


    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I remember reading quite a bit of Megatokyo before getting a little tired of the harem cliche stuff. It seems its kinda relegated to being an die-hard anime fans web-comic, now-a-days. I blame all the dead Pyro days.

    I remember when Gabe had the flu and wasn't sure he could draw a comic and Tycho said "Rub some dirt in it, this isn't Meagatokyo" and then Gabe went in drew a comic, presumably while in a heavy fevered state or tripping balls on cough-syrup.

    Like 'em or hate 'em, I think it's that commitment to a rigorous schedule that's helped make them as incredibly successful as they are today.  

    I didn't know Applegeeks was such a big deal though, I tried reading a bit because of the connection to Johnny Wander but couldn't get into it.

  • I've read bits and pieces of Megatokyo, it's nothing terribly deep and it's undeniably weabooish, but it really does not deserve all the hate and mockery it gets.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    I bear it no ill will. 

    Honestly, I wasn't aware people had problems with it, but I'm sure that stems from a camp of the internet who hates all things anime.

    Pyro would simply probably still enjoying great success if he could reliably pump out comics when he says he will.

    'Course, I'm like several years out of the loop, maybe he's better about it now.



    Mac Hall is worth an archive binge, if you like it, Matt and Ian have a more recent work.


    ...Wow umm...Prometheus suddenly seems a lot better on reflection. 
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    As a matter or coincidence, digging through my backup drive the other day, I ran across this log. If you've ever wondered what the meltdown over his semi-h art was, here it is:

    <Spork> archo, moot, hova, saber, pixel, and i brought one of the nude pictures fred drew (and refuses to acknowledge) to him at acen, archo brought it up to him to sign
    <Spork> fallout was hilarious
    <Spork> Forsythe: he got really quiet, asked archo where we found it, signed it, and then left the booth for the day
    <PenginIchiro> hahahaha
    <mike> hahahahahahahah
    <GotLag> hahahaha
    <Menacer> hahahahaha
    <GotLag> fred status: knocked the fuck out
    <Spork> we then left it for him with a note that said dear fred-chan, love mootykins.  and put a pedobear pin on it
    <Cpl_Forsythe> Spork: that was fucking awesome
    <Cpl_Forsythe> damn spork
    <Spork> it wasnt 001 that we had him sign
    <Cpl_Forsythe> A+++ troll
    <Spork> it was indeed
    <Spork> we all had a great laugh about it

    Mean, I know. I still can't help but bust up laughing over that.

    I have no idea what Fred is like as a person IRL, I just know he handles (actual) criticism as well as a 5 year old and he enables himself by putting up this whole "I'm a terrible artist!" facade backed by a very large IRC channel and a forum where everyone assures Piro-sensei (or -chan or -san or any other honorific that will make you throw up) that his work is super-duper. Megatokyo and PA started around the same time, go compare the two. It's striking.

     As for his actual comic, I can't stand reading it. The intense Mary Sue aspect is bad enough, but the last time I looked at it he had his little cartoon angel wife involved with him and some teenage girl taking a bath together in a bathhouse and that was the point of no return for me. When I did try to read it, I saw the appeal of some of the characters that weren't him -- ironically and especially Largo -- but Fred sticks himself right in the middle of all of this like a big, stinking wet blanket in the middle of a busy dance floor.  I don't know if anyone's written a list of webcomic rules for new guys starting out, but "You are not an interesting person, otherwise you would not be making a webcomic" should be one of the first ones. 

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    Fred basically seems pretty shy and I'm sure has some melt-downs over nothing. Unless he has one of the worst immune systems on the planet, I doubt him constantly missing comic deadlines was over illness.

    "looked at it he had his little cartoon angel wife involved with him"

    To be fair, unless something's changed, that character is based on his girlfriend/wife. Don't have much to say about the teenager.

    I find that Piro resembles basically any other rank and file harem anime protagonists, and that's my problem. He probably is pretty close to Fred in terms of personality, but that doesn't bug me nearly as much as the sort of "I made a dude whose only redeeming feature is being so nice he's a doormat, let's have all these girls fall in love with him!" Mission accomplished Fred.

    The other characters are much more entertaining from what I recall. One must wonder if these series was be much better if Largo was still around in person to help write.

    Still, there is one place where Megatokyo gets to live the glory days of being the best thing since just regular bread:


    Anime cons, man. What a mind trip. I was actually AT this one. You could go right up to Gabe and Tycho for convenient tube signing reasons and  get them to sign books and such.

    There certainly was a line to go meet Fred.
  • edited 2012-07-16 13:37:23

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis



    Gabe will shout out your name as he chases a duck, there will be no ads (based on what stretch goal tier is reached), and you'll be listed on our "Supported By" page!
    Estimated Delivery: Dec 2012


    All previous rewards, Gabe will think about you during sex, and a certificate of appreciation will be mailed to you. (Add $3 for non-U.S. addresses)
    Estimated Delivery: Dec 2012


    All previous rewards, a never-before released digital version of Penny Arcade Book 1, Attack of the Bacon Robots, and Tycho will name your pet.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    PLEDGED OF $250,000 GOAL

    Yeah...that sounds about right.

    I hope Gabe has access to many ducks and his wife is OK with several months of him loving her tenderly while holding a list of names and reading from it.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    True, but the first several money amounts include that, so he has roughly 3,000 names he has to shout while he chases a duck.

    And also 30 days to go, still.
  • image

    I shall have to read this more.

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    That's pretty amusing, what is it?
  • Doctor Who reference in Pokemon B2W2? Headcanon accepted.
    Justice42 said:

    "looked at it he had his little cartoon angel wife involved with him"

    To be fair, unless something's changed, that character is based on his girlfriend/wife. Don't have much to say about the teenager.

    Right. That made it even weirder. It's like she's there in the comic to chaperone his fantasy with a japanese teenage girl in a bathhouse -- and the only response to that is

  • edited 2012-07-16 14:50:25

    i get so angry sometimes i just punch plankton --Klinotaxis
    "It's like she's there in the comic to chaperone his fantasy with a japanese teenage girl in a bathhouse"

    Now that I think about it, it's probably a little like that with the exception that it's exactly like that...
  • edited 2012-07-25 08:48:58
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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