15 ways to improve the Heapers' Hangout

edited 2011-08-18 02:12:41 in General
  1. Introduce a snazzy, marketable new logo
  2. Viral ad campaign--"are YOU a Heaper?"
  3. A subforum dedicated entirely to serious discussion. No Heaping allowed!
  4. Get new furniture for the moderators' office.
  5. Forum game: "Guess CA's gender today!" Anyone who guess correctly five days in a row gets a free sandwich.
  6. Change URL to heapers.vanillawithachocolateswirlforums.com
  7. Pair everyone with a hivemind buddy
  9. Grocery and General Merchandise subforums
  10. Bring Charlotte sockpuppet here
  11. Bring in more users by purchasing ads on public transporation in major American cities
  12. Give CentralAvenue mod powers
  13. Declare Lucas Vice President in charge of Gnawing
  14. Accept competitors' coupons
  15. Make the next poster an administrator


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