Ghetto.... like IHOP!!

edited 2012-04-29 15:10:35 in General
seriously, what am i reading

Like, the person makes good points, and then soaks the in blather.

And remember, covering a Hip-Hop song by a white person MAKES YOU RACIST.


  • See things like this make sense:

    So racism went underground. Sure, you can't say racist things anymore, but you can pretend to say them! Which, it turns out, is pretty much the exact same thing.

    But I'm not sure who s/he's talking to here.

    The only person I can think of who fits those descriptions is V-Nasty, and fuck her.

  • My dreams exceed my real life
    So racism went underground. Sure, you can't say racist things anymore, but you can pretend to say them! Which, it turns out, is pretty much the exact same thing."

    You know, like 4Chan or ED or FYAD.
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