Princess Alice’s personal car, which she “drives” wherever she likes. (It actually drives itself and just lets her think she’s in control while she plays with the pedals and steering wheel.)
primary driver: Princess Alice
markings: none
license plate: none; a sign with the Centralian national flag is mounted where the license plate would be
An archetypical black-and-white police crusier driven by Constable Payne, who might literally be the only cop in the entire country, as far as anyone can tell. Usually used to patrol city streets or respond to “princess nuisance” calls.
primary driver: Constable Payne
markings: none
license plate:F41RY
(“exempt” plate for government vehicle)
A black-and-white police SUV used by Constable Payne to patrol major highways in rural areas.
primary driver: Constable Payne
markings: Royal Highway Patrol emblem
license plate: F43R13
(“exempt” plate for government vehicle)
The pickup truck Constable Payne uses when enforcing commercial vehicle codes. The Princess only really gets to see it when she decides to “borrow” a semi truck. (Please don’t encourage her to do that.)
primary driver: Constable Payne
markings: Royal Highway Patrol emblem, COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT
license plate: F41R FLK
(“exempt” plate for government vehicle)
Dame Adorabelle’s Academy’s only school bus. Princess Alice is forbidden to go near it, after an unspecified incident.
primary driver: OK, so this one’s kinda complicated, because buses aren’t really driven so much as trained. The Dame Adorabelle’s bus is a domestic bus, so most people can guide her if they’re not super aggressive, though she may take a little while to warm up to you.
license plate: JULY14
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