You are the end result of a “would you push the button” prompt where the prompt was “you have unlimited godlike powers but you appear to all and sundry to be an impetuous child” – Zero, 2022
Of the two in the OP, I prefer 🎉, but Fossilmaiden is correct that 🎆 is also good.
fireworks one looks like a ring pull with black spikes coming off it, party popper looks like a dorito with pointy ears, party ball looks like hang on let's find out
pk now that i'm on android and using lightning browser rather than on windows using waterfox, i see a party popper and a party ball,in more standard yellowish colors
though the party ball still kinda looks like a bell, which it usually does
the fireworks, otoh, looks like a hexagonal fantasy mirror/portal
On the other hand, the party ball kinda looks like a cross between a smashed jellyfish and a fortune cookie when small.
though the party ball still kinda looks like a bell, which it usually does
the fireworks, otoh, looks like a hexagonal fantasy mirror/portal