Sure, T. rex is closer in height to Stegosaurus than a sparrow. But that doesn't tell you much; 'Dinosaur Comics' author Ryan North is closer in height to certain dinosaurs than to the average human.
They say lightning strikes the tallest thing around. That’s the kind of maddeningly inexact statement that immediately sparks all kinds of questions. How far is “around”? I mean, not all lightning hits Mt. Everest. But does it find the tallest person in a crowd? The tallest person I know is probably Ryan North (paleontologists estimate he stood nearly five meters tall at the shoulder). Should I try to hang around him for lightning safety reasons? What about other reasons?
dinosaurs couldn't talk
i know our dreams will never die
dreams see us thru to foreeeeeeeeeeeever
where clouds roll by
Assassin poems, Poems that shoot
guns. Poems that wrestle cops into alleys
and take their weapons leaving them dead