1: They say things like "boffins" and "nonce" and "blood pudding"
2: They have a queen(IMHO pretty suspect)
3: Harry Potter takes place there
4: They have a billion different accents, but only like, five square miles of land
5: There is no comprehensible way "Jezza" works as a nickname for someone named Jeremy
But you're really tired by this point so you just mash the two together and call it a night.
It's black pudding.
yeah, I chose that particular video on purpose. What of it
nah, it's just a "z' sound, at least for Jezza
Haha. :)
i've never gotten that one, and i think it's cuz there's implicit rules about how nicknames are formed. In my experience the -zza nicknames are only given to people for whom the consonant immediately after after the first vowel in their names is either an s, an r or a z. So Bozza wouldn't do for Bobby, but could work for Boris, Bosco or Boruto.