I thought for just a second I could live in peace

and not have to hear nerds complain about bioware


  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Let me guess, none of the complaints are about Sonic Chronicles
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    NOTE: this is not a subtweet. Nobody here complains about bioware in a fashion I find obnoxious
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    No, they are not
  • tbh i think the tweets where it's like "andromeda is great!" (*FunnyWWEWalk.gif*) are at least moderately amusing
  • or at least, tweets 1-3 were

    the next 5 were less funny
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Twitter makes everyone try too hard and go on too long
  • I've learned to tolerate drama...except on the boat
    Twitter makes people so self-important
  • I feel like it's a thing inherent to social media, if there's an obvious joke to make, many people will make it, and then the same joke will be served up to you repeatedly by people who haven't seen it before

    'tis the nature of the beast

    otoh i am glad that this has led me to discover even more strange WWE walking gifs
  • Tamlin said:

    otoh i am glad that this has led me to discover even more strange WWE walking gifs

    this really is the greatest thing about twitter
    Anonus said:

    Twitter makes people so self-important

    but feeling self-important is fun!
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I just dislike how the Funny Jokeman mentality has been married to this hectoring moralist mentality
  • Odradek said:

    I just dislike how the Funny Jokeman mentality has been married to this hectoring moralist mentality

    now, i haven't seen anyone talking about the content of ME:Andromeda from a moral perspective, ive just seen a lot of "wow, this animation is incredibly phoned in"
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    Well yeah but I've heard it in relation to Bioware before

    Like when goons legitimately insisted that the Witcher 2, a game where you sexx ladies and get erotic post cards of them as collectibles is more adult about relationships than Mass Effect 2, where you spend time with someone until you start dating them.

    It makes SEX a REWARD for FILLING UP METERS they say, like they're Captain Kirk yelling to the stars about numbers leaving no room for love
  • the only "video game" that accurately reflects adult relationships is sexyfuck games dot com slash adult-sex-games slash princess-peach dot php
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    You won't last FIVE MINUTES with THIS GAME *gif of Jessica Rabbit having sex with an orc probably stolen from World of Warcraft*
  • a stolen newgrounds-tier animation of ash and misty from Pokemon doing the do
  • BeeBee
    edited 2017-03-17 01:36:39
    I don't know what you're expecting when a major AAA developer sequels one of the more impressive studies in characters and animation, and it comes out looking worse than 10 years ago.

    I mean we all know Bioware can do some amazing stuff, and we were hoping that with a five year dev cycle they could do something that...at least...wasn't...this thing?


    I speak as someone who doesn't usually care much about graphics, but this seriously looks like a Gmod gag video.
  • My dreams exceed my real life
    I could laugh if not for like five years of "They turned RELATIONSHIPS and SEX into FILLING METERS!!!!!!!!!!!" also buy the Witcher 2 guys gotta get those sexxxy post cards
  • edited 2017-03-17 01:44:03
    I haven't played The Witcher, but if nothing else the approach to relationships, juvenile as it is, at least seems tonally cohesive. Mass Effect's approach just felt rather shallow overall.
  • Note: I say this as someone who loves that series.
  • OK so I LITERALLY was just reading this thread, tabbed over to tumblr, refreshed, and saw this


    mind you it was attached to a huge post explaining why it's wrong (also CD Projekt Red is not "a couple of independent Slavs" how fucking rude can you be to someone while complimenting them), but still
  • there's someone i like on twitter who spent the whole day playing it, came back with a "you know, i liked this a bunch but it had some story-related problems" and then a few minutes later they were like "oh, i guess we're only talking about the technical goofs"
  • Touch the cow. Do it now.
    games should never have gone beyond pixel art
  • Jane said:

    OK so I LITERALLY was just reading this thread, tabbed over to tumblr, refreshed, and saw this


    mind you it was attached to a huge post explaining why it's wrong (also CD Projekt Red is not "a couple of independent Slavs" how fucking rude can you be to someone while complimenting them), but still
    this proves that, regardless of the staff or budget size, ANYONE can model characters with bad eyeshadow
  • BeeBee
    edited 2017-03-17 06:39:25
    Jane said:

    OK so I LITERALLY was just reading this thread, tabbed over to tumblr, refreshed, and saw this


    mind you it was attached to a huge post explaining why it's wrong (also CD Projekt Red is not "a couple of independent Slavs" how fucking rude can you be to someone while complimenting them), but still
    That post is really good, and does get at the heart of why games tend to turn out bad when they do.  I've interned at a studio before -- I know what kind of ridiculous shit they put up with from higher-ups, and how you can be ordered to tear down and rebuild entire swaths of game at a moment's notice because some idiot and his focus group decided to be goldfish that morning.  And if the game got handed off to a rookie sub-studio with little experienced support it would explain a LOT.  At least, it would explain intermittent animation bugs and glitches and stuff.

    That said, even for a small studio there's some limits, and some expectations of what things would be the ones to go wrong.  Individual animations looking off and/or flaking out or the more subtle emotes being missing are one thing, but the rigs themselves looking that uncanny -- especially main characters which they would've had to be working with from relatively near the beginning -- is a long term issue (the character designer I worked with put out more believable models than that in crunch time).  The voicework I've heard so far is wooden as shit, and it sounds like the actors recorded their lines on the first read.  These are the parts that don't happen in a month and aren't subject to arcane bits of code going floopy at a moment's notice -- they're the ones that are most likely to have a human being nearby who can say "uh, can we get a do-over?" (and rest assured, the voice director is probably more at fault than the actors, if for no other reason than for saying that was a roll).

    I think I agree with him that something pretty nasty must be going on in Bioware.  Because even if the game turns out to be more fun than it looks, it really doesn't bode well in terms of how it could've happened.
  • I remember when Bioware showed up at a career fair at MIT and I being a clueless idiot who had never heard of them and nominally a bioengineering major walked up to them trying to figure out what they did.
  • Sup bitches, witches, Haters, and trolls.
    Jane said:

    OK so I LITERALLY was just reading this thread, tabbed over to tumblr, refreshed, and saw this


    mind you it was attached to a huge post explaining why it's wrong (also CD Projekt Red is not "a couple of independent Slavs" how fucking rude can you be to someone while complimenting them), but still
    anyways doing like five minutes of wikipedia research i'm getting that cd projekt red is pretty much exactly as independent as valve is, by which i mean they own a big dang platform
  • edited 2017-03-17 14:57:41
    image Wee yea erra chs hymmnos mea.
    CD Projekt Red employ over 1500 people worldwide, so yeah. The dev team on The Witcher 3 was 240 people, with a budget of £52 million (with about half of that being marketing).

    Also they own GOG.com, which is one of the biggest digital retailers there is.
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