still, though, the video for Fade and the way it was released is just really amusing to me
like, after the legendary 2015 Kanye VMA rant where he announced his presidential bid in 2020 I don't know if anyone expected him to come with anything in the same league of absurdity the next time he took the stage, and while he did not, he did essentially reveal to the entire world that he really, really liked Flashdance and shower sexytimes, and did up some weird final "artistic" scene to justify it all
I think the extended (like, over a minute long) slo-mo vomit scene in HEALTH's video for "STONEFIST" probably takes my personal crown, but.
still, though, the video for Fade and the way it was released is just really amusing to me
like, after the legendary 2015 Kanye VMA rant where he announced his presidential bid in 2020 I don't know if anyone expected him to come with anything in the same league of absurdity the next time he took the stage, and while he did not, he did essentially reveal to the entire world that he really, really liked Flashdance and shower sexytimes, and did up some weird final "artistic" scene to justify it all
it's like they both got glossy paint jobs
More like uncanny abyss.