Pokémon Apex is a refreshingly adult take on the Pokémon universe.

Grounded in reality and full of real world problems in which you play a young boy who finds himself able to travel to a strange world full of powerful demons called Pokémon. A well-crafted fangame created by Nathan Guzenhauser. Pokémon Apex is an adult take on the classic "Catch 'em All!" gameplay of Pokémon. That's not "adult" as in violence and nudity, although there is some swearing. It's "adult" in the sense the story themes that it addresses, with you playing a high-schooler who's mother and father have separated, and who escapes the drudgery of day-to-day life by playing video games with his best friend. Throughout the game, you discover that you can cross between worlds to a strange demon (or Pokémon)-infested world, and discover there is a dark cult hell-bent on destroying both worlds. It's up to you to step up, catch some Pokémon, and take on the dark cult before they do too much harm! It's a fun adventure and a great twist on the traditional Pokémon game play.


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