conversation in my household

my sister: Oh, Emile, today at work, I was told that my relationship was unhealthy.

Me: (*waits expectantly*)

sister: Yeah, this coworker of mine, he told me that because i'm not comfortable with the idea of (her boyfriend's name expunged) having sex with other women, it means i'm insecure and posessive.

(*we exchange glances and gesticulate*)

me: wait wait, you mean like, in a hypothetical or a literal sense?...

sister: (*her Most Serious face*) In a literal sense. He tells me this, and I turn to my other coworker, and he agrees with him.

(*at this point, im in the kitchen pouring myself a glass of eggnog*)

sister: and then later, we were talking, and he was like "women really shouldn't be uncomfortable with their boyfriends having other girl friends" and I was like "does your girlfriend have any guy friends?" and then he said "Oh no, she doesn't, i'm really lucky"

(*we both laugh*)

me: that's what we in psychology call a double standard.


me: you should totally ask these guys for their opinions of feminism I bet they're a trea-

sister: oh, he's totally a feminist. well, he considers himself a feminist.

mom, who has been listening from the other room this whole time: He sounds Woke.

sister: Oh yeah, he's totally woke.


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