Stupid ideas you've come up with

edited 2012-03-05 01:02:51 in General
I think there's a thread like this already, but I don't know where.

What dumb ideas for works of fiction/nonfiction/other stuff have you come up with?


  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    One time, I thought about writing a novel wherein I run for President and win, and appoint my friends to be my cabinet, and things progress logically (read: disastrously) from there.

    It would've been called This Was A Bad Idea.
  • I would vote for you.
  • Living tissue over endoskeleton.
    That would probably be a bad idea.
  • You can't be much worse than some of the presidents the US has actually had.
  • My stupid idea:

    Armageddon: A Love Story

    A romantic comedy set after the end of the world.
  • I keep telling you, that's actually a decent idea.

    Y'know what I wish? I wish there was some business that bought the rights to random ideas people had. Just like "sure, we'll pay you $50 for that." And then they have some talented person make it into a movie or something.

  • I'd say my "language eggs" though I think that is actually kind of clever for something I thought of at 3 in the morning or whenever it was.

    They are eggs, that when you eat them you will learn a new language. The recipe would determine the language you'd learn (so a French recipe would allow you to learn French, a Spanish one would allow you to learn Spanish, scram8led eggs would teach a language at random) and level of done-ness determines fluency (runnier eggs would give you a 8asic understanding and you could pro8a8ly read in the language, medium-doneness would give you a pretty good convers8ional understanding, overcooked eggs would grant full fluency).

    I'm not sure I want to know how I thought of that though.
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